Depressed and feel like crying

Man I never knew losing weight could be so dang confusing and annoying. I know my body is probably just going through some strange reactions since I upped my calorie intake by so much but I just feel weird. I'm eating all this food now and barely working out so I can net my BMR and I feel like what I did before I ever started working out in the first place. I just feel like a fat slob that's sitting on the couch watching tv again.

Today for instance I had to workout, I just couldn't stand sitting here anymore so I ate 2367 calories when my goal is 2477 but I burned - 995 so my net is 1372 when it should be 1914. There is no way in he** I can eat another 542 to make up my exercise calories.

Now I have ppl telling me to keep eating all those calories but cut way back on my exercise. How in the world is that going to work. :sad: My mind keeps telling me "You are going to put it all back need to get out there and work out"

Are these thoughts normal or am I just torturing myself!?!?


  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    Man I never knew losing weight could be so dang confusing and annoying. I know my body is probably just going through some strange reactions since I upped my calorie intake by so much but I just feel weird. I'm eating all this food now and barely working out so I can net my BMR and I feel like what I did before I ever started working out in the first place. I just feel like a fat slob that's sitting on the couch watching tv again.

    Today for instance I had to workout, I just couldn't stand sitting here anymore so I ate 2367 calories when my goal is 2477 but I burned - 995 so my net is 1372 when it should be 1914. There is no way in he** I can eat another 542 to make up my exercise calories.

    Now I have ppl telling me to keep eating all those calories but cut way back on my exercise. How in the world is that going to work. :sad: My mind keeps telling me "You are going to put it all back need to get out there and work out"

    Are these thoughts normal or am I just torturing myself!?!?
    What did you do to burn 995 calories? That's alot.
  • RoosMommy01
    RoosMommy01 Posts: 88
    I walked (brisk pace) 7 miles and also did some weight lifting and 10 minutes on the elliptical.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    Were you using a heart rate monitor? I ask because the calories burned on MFP are often off (sometimes high and sometimes low).

    And why do you think you don't need to exercise? I no longer have long cardio days (>2 hours) because I just can't eat that much. But I do weight training and moderate cardio (<30 min 4x/week).

    Hang in there.You will find a good balance soon.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    You need to eat those extra calories. You said you still had 500 Cal or so to go. If you like peanut butter and jelly that's what eat when I need more food. Pb&j with crackers is great to close that gap. I like it on crackers, Ritz is what I like, I even make pb&j burritos. Just find a simple food that you can easily get your extra calories.
  • RoosMommy01
    RoosMommy01 Posts: 88
    Were you using a heart rate monitor? I ask because the calories burned on MFP are often off (sometimes high and sometimes low).

    And why do you think you don't need to exercise? I no longer have long cardio days (>2 hours) because I just can't eat that much. But I do weight training and moderate cardio (<30 min 4x/week).

    Hang in there.You will find a good balance soon.

    Not necessarily that I don't need to exercise but that I need to cut way back on what I do. I guess I'm just having a hard time right now getting my mind to wrap around the idea that I don't need to burn all those calories off that I'm putting in my body.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Maybe you can mix it up a bit ... still do exercise as that sounds like that is what you are craving to do ... I must admit that those calories sounds massive and so to get a more accurate reading you prob best to get a HRM. I don't have one but do underestimate MFP ... but when i am able to afford one i will get a HRM.

    Once you know what you are truely doing then i feel you might feel better.

    I struggled to eat more at first and now i can't imagine eating less ...

    Don't use light options of foods as you can have the regular ones and still get all benefits still ...

    Try to increase your protein to 30% as this helps to get your cals up and feel fuller.

    The girls recommend to life weights and cut back on cardio a bit ... but at the end of the day you have to do what you enjoy i believe or else you won't stick to it in the long run. Although some people have found a new appreciation and love of weights that they didn't have before

    Hang in there
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I over think and my mind gets in my way all the time.

    I have read the stickies and have ate low-calories with a very active lifestyle and everyday workouts for many many years and still was the chubby one of the group. I have gotten amazing reassurance from those who have been there and started this whole group:love: . I have been learning to turn off my mind more and just trust it, jump in with both feet.

    I feel like a real human! I can't imagine ever going back!
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    GIRL, HANG IN THERE!!! You should KNOW from reading all the info that you HAVE to give it at least 4-6 weeks before you know that it's working, so try not to get so down on yourself <hugs> :flowerforyou:

    As for the exercise, it sounds to me like you're "exercise binging". You know, like when you don't eat much at all for several days, and then you have a crazy binge day where you eat WAAAAYYYY too much?! Well, instead of trying NOT to exercise and then getting to where you can't stand it and burning nearly 1000 calories, try to do something moderate each day/every other day.

    Remember, you didn't get where you are overnight and IT WILL NOT COME OFF OVERNIGHT (that's in big letters because I need to remember that too :tongue: ). Peanut butter is a really good higher-calorie-but-still-healthy food...put it on celery instead of bread if it makes you feel better. :laugh:

    Your mindset has already changed, so you will NOT revert totally back to old habits and your old lifestyle, I feel comfortable in that. :smile:

    As for a HRM, I highly recommend one; I have a Timex and I really love it (was about $45 on - check my profile for the model # if you're interested). Or I haven't looked into them, but i know some people really like the FitBit, which you wear all day and it calculates pretty much everything (although that might make you obsess even more... LOL)

    Hang in there, you're doing GREAT!!! Send me a private message if you need to chat more :heart:
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    It's no big deal if you miss the calorie net one day - I've been sick or just felt way to bloated and not eaten all of it - it evens out over a few days...Don't do it every day, but one day is not going to do too much damage...