BMF Accuracy

AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
I've noticed that a lot of you have a BMF, so I am hoping somebody can answer this for me...

I have been wearing my BMF consistently for over a week now. On most days, i am averaging 3000 calories (days that I am on my feet all day at work and get in a 30 minute workout) and on 'rest' days, it is more like 2000-2200.

Could this be right, even with metabolic damage from years of yo yo dieting? I know that they are usually very accurate in most cases, but just a little cautious about if it is accurate for ME due to my past... am I really burning this much throughout the day, but my body just has to get used to more food?

The reason I am cautious to trust it is because when I went from 1000 -1200 calories a day up to 1500, I gained...working on getting up to 1800...then more if necessary :)



  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Supposedly they are highly accurate. I dont have one though but this sounds very similar to what others who are active are seeing. As for the calories I have gained 8 lbs and inches all over but apparently this will work itself out after about 8 weeks so you seem to be on the right track. :)
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    I've had mine for about a week and a half, and so far the numbers it is giving me are pretty close to the numbers I got from calculators - on work days plus a strength workout and days off when I go to the gym to do some cardio I burn about the moderate activity TDEE Scooby gives for my height/weight and on rest days I burn somewhere between sedentary and lightly active calculations. So my experience is that it is pretty accurate. If you've been yo-yo dieting for years and were eating 1000-1200 before you upped your calories, I'd say your body just needs to get used to the increased calories and trust that you're not going to start starving it again, if that makes sense?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I've had mine a few months now and take the burn at face value, I don't take an error off at all. I lose fairly regularly, so I think it's accurate as long as you're accurate with logging.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I've noticed that a lot of you have a BMF, so I am hoping somebody can answer this for me...

    I have been wearing my BMF consistently for over a week now. On most days, i am averaging 3000 calories (days that I am on my feet all day at work and get in a 30 minute workout) and on 'rest' days, it is more like 2000-2200.

    Could this be right, even with metabolic damage from years of yo yo dieting? I know that they are usually very accurate in most cases, but just a little cautious about if it is accurate for ME due to my past... am I really burning this much throughout the day, but my body just has to get used to more food?

    The reason I am cautious to trust it is because when I went from 1000 -1200 calories a day up to 1500, I gained...working on getting up to 1800...then more if necessary :)


    Yes it is accurate and yes that sounds about right. I can have huge differences if i sit on my butt all day vs. walking around alot all day. One thing I would like to suggest to you is please up your calories. Going by your diary you are severly undereating and that is not even taking into account your exercise calories. If you are having 3000 calorie days and eating 1000 or even 1500 that is not helping your weight loss. Hope that helps and good luck.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    i used to have one. wore it consistently for about 2 - 3 months. my average burn was 2500-3000. great right? well, once i started slowly closing the high deficit gap, i started gaining. i was gaining at around 1600-1800 depending. i sold the thing on eBay and really haven't looked back. also not a huge fan of wearing something on my arm such as that (it seemed too big, imo).
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Thanks everyone :)

    I am going to go ahead and trust it, even the 3000 burn days, up my calories even more, and hope that this weight gain balances itself out!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    good for you! And if for some reason in 2 months you're still not losing, drop calories by 100/day then give that new deficit a few weeks to work- it's different for everyone whether it's accurate or not. Personally I know that it underestimates my burns because I've worn a pedometer and compared the steps in a whole day- it underestimated by a few thousand. I work in medical though (medical assistant) and carry charts a lot while I'm walking with patients so I'm not swinging my arms while walking (it evals your steps by arm swings with the accelerometer). Just an example. Give it a little time, you can always just drop by baby steps to help you find that magic spot.