macros question

Hi everyone, i just joined the group after a week or two of lurking and reading and running numbers...I've been emtwl since Monday though i haven't managed to eat all my calories yet. I'm sure to always eat my bmr though. i just have a question re: the macros. mine are currently set carbs 45% fat 30% and protein 25% - building from almost none i want to work up to 40/30/30. Important curious though how much effort it takes you to balance tjkngs-i am always low on my protein but every effort i make to increase it then leads to me going over on my fat (from nuts, meat, dairy) - should i be worried about this?
I just ordered some protein powder which im hoping will help up one without the other.


  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    I think protein powders the way to go!! I am getting some tomorrow :) I have been doing this since Monday too. Add me if you want a buddy who is up to exactly the same point as you.

    What protein did you order? I am going into a GNC store tomorrow and seeing what they have to say
  • sevenswans
    sevenswans Posts: 12
    Hey! That woulod be great...I am still getting to grips with the community and friending people etc on here, I've been mostly using the app on my phone just as a personal tracker. But it would be handy to have someone on the smae journey!

    re: protein powder, I don't remember the name :/ it was one from Amazon, had pretty good reviews and was not too expensive. I don't want to sink a bunch of cash into something I'm not sure aobut (never done the protein powder thing before). I figure I'd give it a shot, when I went into a local health food shop they were woahexpensive and the person I asked was not very helpful!

    Am still fighting a losing battle between being under on my calories vs over on fat and sugar. I'm not too worried though, I have diecided this is a journey for the forseeable future, so everything doesn't have to be perfect right from the get-go. That "perfect or nothing" attitude has got me nowhere previously... ;)

    Have a great rest of the day! xx
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    This is my biggest thing. I've been scouring the boards for an answer to this. I get eating more and to my TDEE - 15%, but I don't get how to do that and not go over on macros. Are we just supposed to focus on the Carbs, Fat to Protein ratio and eat healthy beyond that? I can't keep my sugars down and eat yogurt or more than a fruit or two a day. What should our other macros look like and is it acceptable to go over on certain ones? I don't know how to get enough calories in and not OD on sugars or fat or carbs, well sodium too for that matter. I never had an issue staying under carbs and sodium before upping my calories. HELP!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Hi ladies! I have my Macros set to 40/30/30. It took a week or two of trying to fill my macros before I nailed it. Focus on meeting protein first, fat second, carbs third. Staying in this ratio is great but until you get it figured out, as long as you're meeting your calories you're good.
    The most helpful advice I got was to eat how you would normally eat at your new calorie goal for 2 to 3 days. Then take a close look at those days and see where your percentages fall. Plan changes to your meals and snacks that help you get closer to hitting your percentages.
    For example: I was low on protein. I added an extra egg white at breakfast. I found recipes for protein pancakes, protein brownies, added protein powder to milk and use those as snacks. That helped tremendously.
    It's small tweaks, a bit at a time, until you get there. Now it's just the way I eat but it took a while to get there! Great job to each of you for treating yourselves kindly and with such care! I wish you the best!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Focus on meeting protein first, fat second, carbs third.

    that is exactly how I handle it. If I meet the first two, the carbs just fall into place (funny how easy it is to hit the carb macro, lol)...

  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    Weirdly, it's my fats macro that needs the most work. I focus on the protein and the fats get ignored much of the time until I notice that I'm under at the end of the day. I've been getting a bit better though. I think. I have to look back to be sure. Carbs are always met with a bit to spare. My diary is open if you want to peek. A lot of ours are, and you can cruise through them for ideas.