Weight Lifting Results

aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
I see so many ladies on here who eat more (duh!!) and lift heavy and have great results in a short period of time. I feel like I'm not doing something right. I feel like I'm not showing progress fast enough like other ladies. I know we are all different. I know we all change at our own pace but I feel like I eat good - 90% of the time and I workout hard and I have nothing to show for it visually. I know it also depends on how much fat you have on your body and I do have a lot in my stomach area and I had huge arms and now they are getting somewhat smaller but I still feel like I should be farther along.

I started lifting heavy around the end of January. I sort of jumped into the Jamie Eason's Phase 2 plan and did that for awhile. Then I did her 30 day bootcamp program and after that I did SL 5x5 for about 2 wks but had to back off because I was having trouble with my leg when I would squat. Now I'm doing a split program from bodybuilding.com and I'm on my 4th week. During this time I was eating all over the place. I was eating as high as 2200 calories a day, then down to 1350, then 1500, and now I'm back at 1900. I'm assuming one of the reasons I'm not seeing progress is because of the way I was switching up my calorie goal.

I guess what I really want to know is.....does anyone else feel like they are treading water? For lifting 3-4x a week (now 4x) and doing cardio like running or elliptical for 30-40 min at least 2-3x a week I feel I should be looking better. And no I'm not really losing anything in inches either. If I am it is micro because my measurements haven't moved.


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? Has your body fat % changed? Has anyone noticed your body changing? Have you taken pictures monthly? Are you able to lift more weight than when you first started?

    There are many, many ways to measure success and progress. The scale won't always show it and I know I struggle with measuring myself because I can never seem to measure in the exact same spot. However when I look at pictures of myself I can see the difference. I know that I am wearing smaller pants/skirts/dresses, the sleeves on my shirts are looser I've had to by new bras in a smaller size. My body fat as dropped about 2%. My friends, husband and coworkers have all commented that I'm looking slimmer. I started shoulder press and chest press with 10 lb weights 8 weeks ago and now I use 27.5 lb weights.

    If I was just going my the scale and measurements I think I would feel very down about my progress. The scale has changed by less than 5 lbs and I swear I can't see anything noticeable in my measurements (this is a user problem, not a reality). I recommend trying these other methods to measure success.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? Has your body fat % changed? Has anyone noticed your body changing? Have you taken pictures monthly? Are you able to lift more weight than when you first started?

    There are many, many ways to measure success and progress. The scale won't always show it and I know I struggle with measuring myself because I can never seem to measure in the exact same spot. However when I look at pictures of myself I can see the difference. I know that I am wearing smaller pants/skirts/dresses, the sleeves on my shirts are looser I've had to by new bras in a smaller size. My body fat as dropped about 2%. My friends, husband and coworkers have all commented that I'm looking slimmer. I started shoulder press and chest press with 10 lb weights 8 weeks ago and now I use 27.5 lb weights.

    If I was just going my the scale and measurements I think I would feel very down about my progress. The scale has changed by less than 5 lbs and I swear I can't see anything noticeable in my measurements (this is a user problem, not a reality). I recommend trying these other methods to measure success.

    Thanks for the feedback.
    My clothes for the most part are fitting just fine. I do have a dress that seems to be a little tight in the mid-section. My measurements have been staying the same in that area but I feel bigger. I have a few scars that I use as markers when I'm measuring. Lol! My husband says he notices my arms are getting smaller. No one else has said anything. I used to get compliments all the time from co-workers but no one has said anything in a few months. I did my body fat and got 28% but that seems low to me for the tire I have around my belly. I did that a few weeks ago so I will have to recheck and see if it has dropped at all. I do know I have gotten stronger. I'm now benching 75-80 lbs comfortably. I can squat 115 lbs and I can shoulder press 20 lb dumbbells and curl 30 lb bar, etc. So in that sense I guess I'm improving but I'd like to see some definition or some inches come off or something. Sometimes it is so fraustrating to keep pushing and pushing when you feel like you get nothing in return.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I've felt like I've been treading water this entire experience :(

    HOWEVER... when I look at how far I've come I see that there really have been changes. It feels so slow until you sit down and make a list of all your successes. On my year-mark on MFP I sat down, super depressed, wondering "why the heck haven't I reached my goal yet, all I want to do is lose 20 freakin pounds!!" but as I started writing a blog post, I realized how much I'd accomplished. I just really had to disect my journey in order to see that.

    specifically regarding strength training- I'm sure switching around your calorie goals have something to do with it. that + patience + continually challenging yourself (i.e. adding weights every time) should get you where you want to go. some people's bodies just aren't as blessed and need longer dedication!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I've felt like I've been treading water this entire experience :(

    HOWEVER... when I look at how far I've come I see that there really have been changes. It feels so slow until you sit down and make a list of all your successes. On my year-mark on MFP I sat down, super depressed, wondering "why the heck haven't I reached my goal yet, all I want to do is lose 20 freakin pounds!!" but as I started writing a blog post, I realized how much I'd accomplished. I just really had to disect my journey in order to see that.

    specifically regarding strength training- I'm sure switching around your calorie goals have something to do with it. that + patience + continually challenging yourself (i.e. adding weights every time) should get you where you want to go. some people's bodies just aren't as blessed and need longer dedication!

    Thanks for the feedback. I also think my frame of mind has to play a role in all of this. I used to think so positively and now I'm kind of down and out. So maybe if I change my outlook I'll have better results.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    aj_31, I was looking over your food diary briefly and I see on a numerous days you have over 100 remaining for protein a day.. I would suggest getting more protein from your meals or possibly having protein shakes\drinks during the day or right after your workout.. I see you take some protein bars and have some powders so maybe add an extra scoop to em or try to eat more protein rich foods. Its an important part to developing muscles and feeding the body.
    Just my 2 cents
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    aj_31, I was looking over your food diary briefly and I see on a numerous days you have over 100 remaining for protein a day.. I would suggest getting more protein from your meals or possibly having protein shakes\drinks during the day or right after your workout.. I see you take some protein bars and have some powders so maybe add an extra scoop to em or try to eat more protein rich foods. Its an important part to developing muscles and feeding the body.
    Just my 2 cents

    Thanks. I know I am terrible in that area. I've said that in other posts on the board before. I really struggle with getting enough protein in a day. I don't know how everyone else does it. I think too maybe if I just cook up a bunch of chicken and add that to everything that would help some.

    I do make Jamie Eason's protein bars and lately I've been having a protein shake as soon as I get home from the gym. I tried having one the other morning on an empty stomach and that was a huge mistake. Made me sick to my stomach all morning.

    Any high in protein foods you can suggest besides fish?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    greek yogurt!! around 20g of protein per serving. Load up! :-) I buy a good quality protein powder. One scoop alone is 22g of protein. It adds up. Plus lots of lean meats. :-)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think you need to be consistent. Pick a program and stick with it for a good 12 weeks. I'd suggest going back to Strong Lifts. Figure out what is wrong with your squats.

    Calculate your TDEE. If you want to lose fat eat 10% below that. If you want to gain muscle start with eating 10% above.

    Get at least 100 grams of protein a day. Good sources are of course Greek yogurt, eggs, cheese, milk and MEAT, and protein shakes if you really can't get enough through food.

    But be patient. It really took me 4 months of consistent lifting and eating above my TDEE to see good results.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I understand why you're frustrated. I see other's have amazing results, and I feel like I'm not doing as well as they are.

    However, I started being consistent around the first of February, and I can finally tell.

    Pick a calorie goal, pick a lift program, stick with it and re-evaluate in a few months.

    As others have said, make sure you get enough protein daily. Edamame, cottage cheese and quinoa also have protein, in addition to previously mentioned foods. In addition, I have found that adding protein powder to my baking (like a muffin mix) is easier for me to tolerate than a protein shake.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You are ding so many things at the same time that you have no way to know what is working and what is not working. Like Rae said, pick one thing and stay with it for 12 weeks.

    Also you should get 100g of protein a day (guessing from your pics) Forget the other macro for now. Meat, cheese, yogurt, good protein powder.

    Eat at your TDEE for a few weeks than go down to TDEE - 15% and stay there for 6 weeks.


    I know that for me, things are changing, but very very slowly.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I think you need to be consistent. Pick a program and stick with it for a good 12 weeks. I'd suggest going back to Strong Lifts. Figure out what is wrong with your squats. Calculate your TDEE. If you want to lose fat eat 10% below that. If you want to gain muscle start with eating 10% above. Get at least 100 grams of protein a day. Good sources are of course Greek yogurt, eggs, cheese, milk and MEAT, and protein shakes if you really can't get enough through food.

    But be patient. It really took me 4 months of consistent lifting and eating above my TDEE to see good results.

    You're right I do need to stick to a program. I have this one that I'm doing and I'm on week 4 so I'm going to finish this one out. I do squat with this one as well and so far so good with that. Not really sure why I was having trouble but maybe the break for a couple of weeks was what I needed because squats didn't start until this 4th wk of the program & no I don't have any trouble doing them. I will really focus on my protein and try to be as patient as possible.

    Thanks to all of your for your imput. Feedback is really helpful.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    aj_31, I'm in the "....lots of women seem to be having better *results* with their heavy-lifting than I am..." camp.

    However, I blame myself for some of my "inconsistencies"....

    It's never too late to aim for consistency. I gave up my protein shakes for the month of May, because I felt they were keeping me "fluffy"....but, I am finding it WAY TOO DIFFICULT to eat enough protein without them, so I think I might re-introduce them for June.

    It's my body - I need to get to know it and to figure out what *will* work for me....because, what works for me, is going to be unique - different from "all the other posters" on mfp....it's a good thing!
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Everyone else seemed to say the right things as far as picking something and sticking too it. I might add that 4x a week of heavy lifting is too much. You are not giving your muscles the time they need to heal and get bigger. I would stick with 3 x a week max with at least one day in between. Also cardio is awesome but I would make sure it doesn't interfere with you muscle healing. Example you lift monday and are super sore on tuesday, doing cardio like running or elliptical is going to prevent your muscles to an extent from healing. Taking the day off from working out completely is good for the body sometimes.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    I have been complaining big time that the scale hasn't moved. I started upping my calories mid March and gained 2 lbs....I stuck with it even though I was obsessed with the scale moving. I was convinced no changes were happening....everyday I would look in the mirror and see the same rolls...BUT when I looked at progress pictures....I saw the BIG ROLL, unraveling...LOL. So although the natural eye fooled me...it was my pictures that showed me the little changes and gave me the motivation to keep moving. I posted these pictures in a closed group challenge...so I will post what I typed on there as well. These progress pix are for a challenge that I am doing....Major warning of back and stomach fat.

    Post from another group.

    I am so embarrassed of this back fat and these rolls on my body..So sorry guys...but I'm keeping it real and sharing it. I think one day I will appreciate these pictures better. But I am a work in progress...and like I always say, pictures tell a 1000 words. I wll post more at the end of the challenge. I hope you all haven't given up.....SUMMER is still around the corner...and we STILL have that hot item to get into. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!!!! I'm scared to push the green button, but I here I go....Yikes....

    Red lockers = Marh 1 // Blue locers = May 1






    So, I have been complaining that I have NOT lost any weight. I have actually gained two pounds.

    In March I started taking protein shakes and Omega 3 and 1 A day vitamin and increased my STRENGTH TRAINING along wiht lifting.

    and half way through March I upped my calories from 1200 to 1900...

    The end of April, I tightened up on my eating and eliminated fried foods/chocolate and other drinks beside water, tea and coffee.

    My reviews on my pictures:

    Front facing photo - In march my boobs looked bigger, My love handle actually had a fold and In May it starts to unfold....LOL, my wrinkly stomach smoothed out a little, and my pants fit a little different. So my stomach shape is changing...which I couldn't see in the mirror.

    The side photo - Again boobs went down, the booby fat roll in the first picture is gone in the 2nd one. Woot! My stomach went down from in the first side photo...Woot Woot, and The love handle or back fat that's coming around to the front is not as deep.....yay! Again, I got a long way to go, but I see changes.

    The dreaded back photo- Puke.. Moving right along....The first photo the rolls are much bigger and the 2nd photo, I realized I had a birth mark - you couldn't even see it on the first photo. I have flab under the bra line near my arms, which trimmed down in the 2nd photo, and that horizontal fat line is trimming down in the 2nd photo also.

    I can't wait to see the photos for June 1!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I have been complaining big time that the scale hasn't moved. I started upping my calories mid March and gained 2 lbs....I stuck with it even though I was obsessed with the scale moving. I was convinced no changes were happening....everyday I would look in the mirror and see the same rolls...BUT when I looked at progress pictures....I saw the BIG ROLL, unraveling...LOL. So although the natural eye fooled me...it was my pictures that showed me the little changes and gave me the motivation to keep moving. I posted these pictures in a closed group challenge...so I will post what I typed on there as well. These progress pix are for a challenge that I am doing....Major warning of back and stomach fat.

    Post from another group.

    I am so embarrassed of this back fat and these rolls on my body..So sorry guys...but I'm keeping it real and sharing it. I think one day I will appreciate these pictures better. But I am a work in progress...and like I always say, pictures tell a 1000 words. I wll post more at the end of the challenge. I hope you all haven't given up.....SUMMER is still around the corner...and we STILL have that hot item to get into. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!!!! I'm scared to push the green button, but I here I go....Yikes....

    Red lockers = Marh 1 // Blue locers = May 1






    So, I have been complaining that I have NOT lost any weight. I have actually gained two pounds.

    In March I started taking protein shakes and Omega 3 and 1 A day vitamin and increased my STRENGTH TRAINING along wiht lifting.

    and half way through March I upped my calories from 1200 to 1900...

    The end of April, I tightened up on my eating and eliminated fried foods/chocolate and other drinks beside water, tea and coffee.

    My reviews on my pictures:

    Front facing photo - In march my boobs looked bigger, My love handle actually had a fold and In May it starts to unfold....LOL, my wrinkly stomach smoothed out a little, and my pants fit a little different. So my stomach shape is changing...which I couldn't see in the mirror.

    The side photo - Again boobs went down, the booby fat roll in the first picture is gone in the 2nd one. Woot! My stomach went down from in the first side photo...Woot Woot, and The love handle or back fat that's coming around to the front is not as deep.....yay! Again, I got a long way to go, but I see changes.

    The dreaded back photo- Puke.. Moving right along....The first photo the rolls are much bigger and the 2nd photo, I realized I had a birth mark - you couldn't even see it on the first photo. I have flab under the bra line near my arms, which trimmed down in the 2nd photo, and that horizontal fat line is trimming down in the 2nd photo also.

    I can't wait to see the photos for June 1!

    WOW! Thanks so much for posting this. You look great. You have come such a long ways already. I know you'll look awesome come June 1st.

    I do have some pics so I should probably retake some and see where I'm at now. The last time I did I didn't see any progress and actually thought my stomach looked bigger but I was wearing different clothing so I need to do it again with the same clothing this time. Thanks again for sharing. It really puts things in perspective.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    I wanted to stay consistent, so I put back on the same clothes. But before I would never take pictures without clothes on...because I just couldn't stand to see myself...but I read an article on here where the poster convinced me to take pictures with no shirt on so you can actually SEE the results...because sometimes clothing cover up the improvements your body is making. Again, I am no where near my goal...but I had convinced myself that I was eating more cals and working out and the scale didn't change, neither did my body.....UNTIL I DID THE COMPARISON PIX. So, the pix gave me the motivation to keep pressing forward. Keep doing what you are doing. Go hard, believe in yourself...and keep a good diary/journal (pix included) so you can know what works for you!

    Can't wait to see your pictures.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have been complaining big time that the scale hasn't moved. I started upping my calories mid March and gained 2 lbs....I stuck with it even though I was obsessed with the scale moving. I was convinced no changes were happening....everyday I would look in the mirror and see the same rolls...BUT when I looked at progress pictures....I saw the BIG ROLL, unraveling...LOL. So although the natural eye fooled me...it was my pictures that showed me the little changes and gave me the motivation to keep moving. I posted these pictures in a closed group challenge...so I will post what I typed on there as well. These progress pix are for a challenge that I am doing....Major warning of back and stomach fat.

    Post from another group.

    I am so embarrassed of this back fat and these rolls on my body..So sorry guys...but I'm keeping it real and sharing it. I think one day I will appreciate these pictures better. But I am a work in progress...and like I always say, pictures tell a 1000 words. I wll post more at the end of the challenge. I hope you all haven't given up.....SUMMER is still around the corner...and we STILL have that hot item to get into. PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!!!! I'm scared to push the green button, but I here I go....Yikes....

    Red lockers = Marh 1 // Blue locers = May 1






    So, I have been complaining that I have NOT lost any weight. I have actually gained two pounds.

    In March I started taking protein shakes and Omega 3 and 1 A day vitamin and increased my STRENGTH TRAINING along wiht lifting.

    and half way through March I upped my calories from 1200 to 1900...

    The end of April, I tightened up on my eating and eliminated fried foods/chocolate and other drinks beside water, tea and coffee.

    My reviews on my pictures:

    Front facing photo - In march my boobs looked bigger, My love handle actually had a fold and In May it starts to unfold....LOL, my wrinkly stomach smoothed out a little, and my pants fit a little different. So my stomach shape is changing...which I couldn't see in the mirror.

    The side photo - Again boobs went down, the booby fat roll in the first picture is gone in the 2nd one. Woot! My stomach went down from in the first side photo...Woot Woot, and The love handle or back fat that's coming around to the front is not as deep.....yay! Again, I got a long way to go, but I see changes.

    The dreaded back photo- Puke.. Moving right along....The first photo the rolls are much bigger and the 2nd photo, I realized I had a birth mark - you couldn't even see it on the first photo. I have flab under the bra line near my arms, which trimmed down in the 2nd photo, and that horizontal fat line is trimming down in the 2nd photo also.

    I can't wait to see the photos for June 1!
    Wow, just amazing results! Girl you should be proud of yourself...keep up the good work!!!!!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    You are ding so many things at the same time that you have no way to know what is working and what is not working. Like Rae said, pick one thing and stay with it for 12 weeks.

    Also you should get 100g of protein a day (guessing from your pics) Forget the other macro for now. Meat, cheese, yogurt, good protein powder.

    Eat at your TDEE for a few weeks than go down to TDEE - 15% and stay there for 6 weeks.


    I know that for me, things are changing, but very very slowly.
    Great advice!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks Lucia!