I just wanted to say Hi

MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
I joined this group a few days ago and I have been commenting here and there so I figured I would introduce myself.
I was 155 2 years ago when I started P90X. I went down to 127 on my first round and was able to sort of maintain my weight till I went on vacation in Dec 2011. I decided to do a second round to toned up and lose the 2-3 pounds I gained on vacation. I wanted to look hot for a cruise we had for March so the timing was perfect. My net during the second round was around 1300 and I hit it most of the time (eating exercise calories). I was surprised when I got down to 119 by end of March.

I continued losing weight and I am now around 115.5 - 117 depending on the day. I decided it was time to up my calories. I am still trying to figure out how to track it. All I know is that I need to eat around 1900 to maintain. I am going to test just writing down the calories burned in the notes section without adding it to the exercise. Doing this doesn't allow me to track my exercise but I want to do it for a week and see if it bothers me. I will revisit then how it might be easier to track.

I was freaking out about eating this much but what I didn't realize is that because I was eating my exercise calories, I was eating a gross of around 1700 so it isn't that much different.

Ok, I will stop the rambling. I am really enjoying reading through everything that is in this group.
