What we are supposed to eat



  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Man has been "processing" foods for a long time - maybe not that long in evolutionary terms - but the fact is we've been preparing foods, churning butter, fermenting cheese, filleting and curing meats, smoking fish, meats and cheese etc. As we've become wealthier and food has been mass-produced and industrial processes have been introduced into the food industry and convenience has taken over.

    For the vast majority of us, we live in an urban environment; we don't live off the earth and we rely on supermarkets or similar convenience stores to acquire our foods.

    But there are some foods which are considered to be junk or bad (which is a term I hate - there are no bad foods, only bad eating habits) which in terms of clean eating as as basic as they come - take a fillet of fish dip it in a mixture of milled flour and water and cook in a pot of oil.

    We're told we shouldn't eat red meat as it's high in cholesterol yet our ancestors lived on char-grilled red meat or even raw meat, which few of us would even consider doing now.

    I don't think there's any "supposed to" any more. I think we need to eat and drink and we are offered a plethora of choices and some of us make entirely different choices from others. Who's right and who's wrong - that's the $64.000 question?
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