Maintaining Tips



    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Good Post;-)Thanks-maintained 2 yrs myself-a bit up from holidays-Enjoyed your post;-)
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    thanks everyone!! glad it's helpful!!
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    This is so helpful! Thank you!!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    This is so helpful! Thank you!!!

    Glad to help! Good luck!!
  • genericaroar
    genericaroar Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for this!
  • 50sBeachWalking
    50sBeachWalking Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks Robin! I started in November on maintaining after losing 35 pounds in around 35 weeks. I view diet as a lifestyle now rather than a plan. I don't count calories as much, but know now about how much my intake is. I weigh myself regularly and see the 2 to 3 pound fluctuations, but don't get too alarmed. The key to me is to regular exercise. I walked 5 times a week for 3 to 5 miles either on the beach or neigborhood. Now that it is winter, I don't do that, and frankly find it hard to do stationary or indoor walking. Walking to me is more than exercise, but a time to get away, reflect, and take a mental break away from the daily stresses and schedule. I started to weight lift again a bit after my tennis elbow wouldn't go away. It has actually helped some. Thanks again for sharing your ideas and thoughts and wish you all the best.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Thanks Robin! I started in November on maintaining after losing 35 pounds in around 35 weeks. I view diet as a lifestyle now rather than a plan. I don't count calories as much, but know now about how much my intake is. I weigh myself regularly and see the 2 to 3 pound fluctuations, but don't get too alarmed. The key to me is to regular exercise. I walked 5 times a week for 3 to 5 miles either on the beach or neigborhood. Now that it is winter, I don't do that, and frankly find it hard to do stationary or indoor walking. Walking to me is more than exercise, but a time to get away, reflect, and take a mental break away from the daily stresses and schedule. I started to weight lift again a bit after my tennis elbow wouldn't go away. It has actually helped some. Thanks again for sharing your ideas and thoughts and wish you all the best.

    So glad it helped--congrats on all you have accomplished!! I'm w/you...definitely need that time to go outside, reflect on important. I do get outside every day, but can't really count it as exercise in the winter months either. Thankfully I have learned to love weights and things like that to keep me motivated. But definitely can't wait for spring!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    just want to say thanks.
    I have reached my goal as of this morning and i want to start maintaining but it seems really scary as in the past time = weight gain.
    this was far and away the most useful post I've found so far. thanks
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    just want to say thanks.
    I have reached my goal as of this morning and i want to start maintaining but it seems really scary as in the past time = weight gain.
    this was far and away the most useful post I've found so far. thanks

    what an awesome compliment---thank you! I appreciate the feedback!

    And congratulations on reaching your goals!!!