Listen to and trust your body- (5 weeks progress)

indieanna Posts: 2 Member
I upped my calories mid April (best decision ever!). After being on a plateau for 5 weeks, I knew I needed to figure what my body was telling me. I stumbled onto this forum in the beginning of April and a light bulb went off! It all made sense. I started to realize that I was obviously starving myself (netting way under BMR) then binge (even though it ended up under or at my TDEE). This created a way my body would maintain its weight unhealthily, but add random water weight fluctuations. A vicious cycle really. My weight would wobble constantly a couple pounds and I could never get a handle on it.

Since upping my calories, the first thing I noticed was my weight seemed to stabilize, no more random fluctuations I was used to seeing. Then the 2nd-3rd week I bloated up 5 pounds, but knew it was to be expected. I pushed on and within that week I was back down. It has now been 5 or so weeks and my weight is trending downward with a loss of 3 pounds so far. Most of all, I am eating so much more! I am so happy to know I am feeding my body and it is rewarding me! Oh and it also feels good to not feel deprived and guilty anymore. Deprived eating such low calories, then guilty when you blew it!


  • elly1979
    elly1979 Posts: 79 Member
    That's fantastic! Thanks for posting an update to help us know what to expect. I find with eating this much more, I'm not rabid for my former cheat day. :D
  • lindsayjdodd
    lindsayjdodd Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for sharing, lady! My weight is really starting to stabilize in the last few weeks, and I am slowly trending downward. Feels good, doesn't it?! So happy for you!
  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    This is really encouraging. I just recently upped my caloric net by 500 cals after months of a plateau. I have a feeling it is still not enough, but I am so very anxious about reversing the hard work I have done. I am at week two of this, and also experiencing the crazy uncomfortable bloat, but feeling it ebbing. LIke I said, I am sure I am still not at the best daily number, but I started at 1200 (starvation number, basically), and a massive jump is off-putting. Knowing that everyone is different, would you mind sharing your stats in terms of caloric intake and how you arrived at that number?