
MiMarMor Posts: 40 Member
I started the 30 Day Shred over 30 days ago (I'm still going with level 3, as I missed a few days), and am so disappointed! My weight is around the same as when I started, but I read to expect that as I am hopefully replacing fat with muscle. However, I'm not even losing inches, and THAT is discouraging.

I have done the 30DS *almost* without fail (again, I missed a couple days due to illness) and have been doing my darndest to stay around my MFP calorie goal. I don't know what I am doing/did wrong. Any advice?! I had such high hopes after seeing everyone else's results...

Edit with photo:



  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I'm sorry you feel this way. I missed a whole week of 30DS because I got sick. But still, I kept going when I stop coughing and I finished it today. Don't you even feel with more energy? I also saw people doing this DVD with drastic results but I wasn't expecting that on me, just because everybody is different. I can see some definition on your body, a little on the shoulders, upper back, and you have a tiny love handle in the first pic that I don't see on the 2nd one.

    I know I'm not being any help, all I can do is show you my support and tell you to keep going in this journey. Hugs.