Does increasing metabolic rate help maintain weight?

djf23 Posts: 58 Member
If you increase your metabolic rate significantly by putting on high lean muscle weight and drinking loads of water etc will it make it easier to go to a normal (following food triangle) diet once goal weight is reached after on a low carb keto diet.

I know people are fairly fixed on the idea that you have to keep the carbs fairly low when in maintenance but i ask this as i plan to join the army as a pilot once im at my desired goal weight and fitness level, and im doubtful they would cater for someone just so they can maintain a certain way of eating.



  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    I know people are fairly fixed on the idea that you have to keep the carbs fairly low when in maintenance

    I would disagree with people who say this. Carbs are absolutely vital for people who lift weights or do cardio. For someone in the military- whose doing PTs and the like- you NEED carbs and lots of them. If someone's maintenance involves no exercise or very little exercise- like short walks once a week-then they can get by with less.

    If you're dealing with insulin resistance- then that's another matter entirely.
  • djf23
    djf23 Posts: 58 Member

    I know people are fairly fixed on the idea that you have to keep the carbs fairly low when in maintenance

    I would disagree with people who say this. Carbs are absolutely vital for people who lift weights or do cardio. For someone in the military- whose doing PTs and the like- you NEED carbs and lots of them. If someone's maintenance involves no exercise or very little exercise- like short walks once a week-then they can get by with less.

    If you're dealing with insulin resistance- then that's another matter entirely.

    im not to sure what you mean by insulence resistantce....if you mean like diabetes then i dont think/hope i have diabetes....if i had continued the way i was no doubt i would have gotten diabetes sooner or later ( i hope it wasnt to late of a change)

    i was just a bit woried about people sayign they have a yoyo effect when they take in more carbs

    but this set me at ease a bit haha...thanks :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    What people see after eating low carbs for along time, and then re-introducing carbs back into their diet is glycogen storage in their muscles.

    carbs turn into fuel (glycogen) for your muscles. Glycogen storage also requires water retention. You store I think 3g of water for every 1g of glycogen.

    So if you go from low carb to normal carb, especially when working out (your body needs protein and glycogen for muscle repair) you will retain water. This equates to gaining weight (can be 5+ lbs) and it scares people...however its natural, and the effect is exacerbated by extended low carb diets.

    Your body will adjust, its highly adaptable....however your body needs a healthy amount of fuel to accomplish this.
  • djf23
    djf23 Posts: 58 Member
    What people see after eating low carbs for along time, and then re-introducing carbs back into their diet is glycogen storage in their muscles.

    carbs turn into fuel (glycogen) for your muscles. Glycogen storage also requires water retention. You store I think 3g of water for every 1g of glycogen.

    So if you go from low carb to normal carb, especially when working out (your body needs protein and glycogen for muscle repair) you will retain water. This equates to gaining weight (can be 5+ lbs) and it scares people...however its natural, and the effect is exacerbated by extended low carb diets.

    Your body will adjust, its highly adaptable....however your body needs a healthy amount of fuel to accomplish this.

    cool thanks...bit scared, people say they put back all the weight they lost n stuff ..that would suck

    few pounds i dont first weeks of low carb you drop lot of water weight so ill see that eextra water held as neutral

    thanks :)