Introduce Yourself Here

leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
Hey everybody!

Im carly and i live in bristol though im from manchester. I used to be a lot bigger when i was a teenager and though ive lost quite a lot of weight already I want to lose a bit more! At uni i was about 180 though i never weighed myself so dont know what my high weight was exactly, lost weight over a couple of years and finally got down to 134 after not eating very much in preparation for my 1st holiday with my boyfriend in june last year. The weights crept up a bit since then but ive been working out a lot more so dont look much different. Looking to lose the last 20 or so as the difference in my confidence has been unbelievable now, im so much happier since i started putting in the effort to improve myself instead of feeling insecure and taking it out on other people and i know this is only gonna get better the better i look.

Good luck guys x


  • Wooo hopefully this will be a handy little group! :)
    I'm Michaela, I'm 19 and I live in Scotland. I started this journey at the beginning of this month (May 3rd, actually) and have lost 6.8lbs so far. I can't wait to be able to say I've lost the first 14lbs. I feel like once I've reached and cleared that hurdle that I'll be okay to keep going. I just need to prove to myself that I can get that far first. For the past 2 years I've been losing and gaining the same 5-7lbs, but this year I ended up gaining around 10lbs, so I took that as my push to start this and stop the gaining streak!
    Good luck everyone :).
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Im a 28 yr old married mother of 5. Names Hannah, used to be called MumMum tho lol. I live in kent, in the UK.
    Started this journey 6months ago after my littlest was born, SW - 13St 1Lb/ Currently @ 9St 1Lb. Try to exercise everyday, but def at least half hour 6days a week. Set little goals to reach as i feel better reaching 7lbs loss's then being able to push it back again. Altho 4st dwn, still not happy with my body. I jiggle where i shouldnt lol!
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 161 Member
    Hi there! I live in Ohio where I go to college as a Freshman (soon to be sophomore!) Not too much interesting to put about me but I started this journey mostly because I feared the 'freshman fifteen.' I find time to work out almost evey day but I'm looking more towards toning up! I'm a towering five foot tall eighteen year old:P my weight at the moment is hovering around 121 so I'm waiting until I hit a solid number before saying I've lost:) my goal is really just to look good!
  • npk247
    npk247 Posts: 3 Member
    A big HI to everyone from the beautiful state of New Hampshire (USA)! I am a single 31 year old of Indian descent who grew up in the Middle East. I moved to the US over a decade ago and love it here. After my recent birthday earlier this month, I really was not feeling good inside about the way I looked and felt overall. I feel this way all the time but more so when the birthday comes around. I have been battling weight all my life. However, I cant blame genes for it since I have lost all the weight before with diet and exercise. When I moved to the US, I didnt take care of myself and just focused on work and school and didnt pay attention to the lbs creeping on again. So here I am attempting to lose weight again but this time for good.

    I started the Jenny Craig diet program as of last Sunday and coincidentally I have weekly checkins with them on Friday as well. Today was my first check in with them and I lost 4lbs. I am hoping to get additional motivation to keep the momentum going by being part of this group.
  • JulesX1982
    JulesX1982 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Julie and I just ran my first half marathon in May and now I am training for m first triathlon which is in 12 weeks from today! I am 29 years old and I have only myself to get in my way of my challenge. I work in law enforcement so it is also safety concern to get myself stronger and leaner.

    My plan is to run four times a week, incorporating biking and swimming. Weight lift three times a week ( day one Chest & Back, day 2 Triceps& biceps and Day 3 Shoulders and Legs).

    The biggest challenge for me is to sick with a routine and really concentrate on eating healthy and making better food choices, that is also why I have started to use the calorie counter so I am accountable for what goes in m mouth. I had to ask myself " is it going to help me reach my goal, if not then I don't need it" . I am allowing myself a cheat meal once a week to curb those cravings and hopefully I can get rid of those too.

    So today is the start to the NEW and IMPROVED ME!!!