


  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    Oh the gender roles for kids thing - I hate it! Since having my D I have become increasingly aware of how gendercoded everything is. Even if you buy it in blue there's still girl blue and boy blue. And people assume you must be so upset if they get it wrong. I couldnt care less if a stranger happens to think my child is a boy. What I do mind is the big embarrassed reaction they ahve signalling to my girl that somethings terribly wrong.

    As a child of the seventies I really think this seems to ahve gone backwards. I remember huge amounts of green, red etc tomboy clothes when I was young. I often cant find anything gender neutral - and when I do its super expensive.
  • hheater
    hheater Posts: 52 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Hailey and I'm 26 years old. I've always been a little "different," if you will. I didn't think like many of my girlfriends growing up, and I still didn't even in my high school and college years. While my friends were dreaming and planning their entire lives around marriage and children, I was busy traveling, studying, doing internships, and working as much as possible. Of course there is nothing wrong with desiring those things...and I don't look down on women who want to be a wife and mother. I DO have a problem with those whose entire identity is defined by those things. I don't think that I realized that I identified with feminism until I took a women's issues class in college. As I read the material, I found myself discovering a part of who I was...learning myself, I guess you could say. I am a woman of faith, and unfortunately it's hard to find women of faith who aren't bogged down by cultural and traditional definitions (usually enforced by men) of what a woman should be. And frankly, oftentimes those definitions aren't even within the faith's values. But I digress... ;) It's so wonderful to meet you all and to mindfully discuss our fitness journeys together! May we become strong and healthy together!
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    Hi, I'm Pat. Glad to see this group and especially thrilled to see so many feminists among the younger generations. I'm 58 and have been a feminist since before I knew the word for it.