Extremely tired all of a sudden....

twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
I just read the "patterns emerging" sticky by JadeRabbit and none of it is sinking in for some reason.

I've been doing the EM2WL for 10 weeks now (I think??) and as of this week increased my calories again....went from 1800 to 2000. And as of Wednesday, I've been so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Yesterday I didn't even workout...I went to change into my workout clothes and laid down on the bed with the intention of just closing my eyes for a couple minutes and next thing I knew my husband was waking me up and asking me what was for dinner. I had napped for about 90 minutes.

I NEVER nap during the day. I usually have plenty of energy from the minute I wake up until bedtime. I drink one cup of green tea in the morning, never needing any other source of caffeine.

But these last few days I'm dragging.

Since increasing to 2000 calories, I'm not hungry at all. I pretty much eat every 2-3 hours, as I've learned to anticipate when I'll be hungry and I eat before getting to the "tummy growling" stage. Just super super tired all day long.

Any clues as to what could be going on?


  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    For me, it was overtraining. I had to cut my lifting down to twice a week with some light cardio thrown in. Lifting heavy three times a week was just too much for me. I was super fatigued all the time. I'm much better since cutting back. Perhaps it's a similar issue?
  • ladyfingers39
    ladyfingers39 Posts: 335
    Pregnant? :)

    Are you drinking lot of water?

    I've been very drained this week, I attribute it to allergies. They are awful.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    For me, it was overtraining. I had to cut my lifting down to twice a week with some light cardio thrown in. Lifting heavy three times a week was just too much for me. I was super fatigued all the time. I'm much better since cutting back. Perhaps it's a similar issue?

    I had the same problem..had to cut back on exercise and keep my cals where they were.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    For me, it was overtraining. I had to cut my lifting down to twice a week with some light cardio thrown in. Lifting heavy three times a week was just too much for me. I was super fatigued all the time. I'm much better since cutting back. Perhaps it's a similar issue?

    I do remember when you went through that tired phase! I took all last week off from formal workouts due to being on vacation so maybe getting back into the workouts again and increasing my calories at the same time threw my body off?? It's definitely a possibility.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Pregnant? :)

    Bite your tongue!!! :noway: Just kidding! With my luck, it would be a 3rd set of twins.

    I am drinking plenty of water but my allergies have been crazy with all this wind!!! According to my BMF, I'm averaging about 6 hours of sleep a night. I do a lot of tossing and turning so that's contributing, I'm sure, to my exhaustion.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    More twins brewing? I'm totally kidding...:P

    Maybe just getting back into the swing of things after having a vacation? Are you easing back into your workouts or going back in full swing. Maybe try being a bit more gradual?

    Haha - wrote this while you were posting prior response!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I have actually been sleeping a tiny bit better since cutting back, too. Mind you, I don't sleep well anyway.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I had about 4 days where I was super tired too but the energy seems to be coming back now.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    This is how I felt yesterday, also about 10 wks in, I put it down to the heat here as it didn't hit me until early evening & starting to feel that way again tonight, the only thing I have done different this week is slightly increased my fats ratio, don't think I'm over training... off to read jades post that I've kept meaning to look at when I got time : )
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    I tend to have a few very tired days followed by a few super-energised days evey few weeks. I've kind of got used to it now, and I know that for me I've just got to stick it out for a few days, and then it will pass. I do usually cut back a little on my exercise when I'm feeling like that, and just do some gentle activity.

    I'm not sure if this is linked to my monthly cycle or not, but I've just had a Mirena coil fitted and I'm a bit all over the place
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    I seem to recall this symptom mentioned on one of the other threads in our discussion forums. People had definitely mentioned extreme tiredness after increasing cals.
    I have had it too, but didnt know if it was attributed to my having a cold or TOM or what. Not sure of the reason, but I know you are not alone in this symptom around the eat more club! Maybe search it?

    take care, and be gentle with yourself, sweetie.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Wow, that's weird that so many of us seem to be feeling this way!

    The tiredness totally took me by surprise!! It sounds like this is a normal part of the process though so we all just gotta keep keepin' on!!!

    Thanks for the feedback!
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I just went through this extreme fatigue earlier this week. It lasted for 3 days. I think it was due to overtraining. I was doing strength and cardio 6 days per week, averaging 70+ min per day. So I rested for 2 days and I came back more energized than ever. I think I will stick to 2 days of rest each week instead of 1.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I am sure it is just a short phase, until you body adjusts to the new situation.

    Are you sure your thyroid is well adjusted? That can contribute to tiredness as well, if you are too low.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Wow, that's weird that so many of us seem to be feeling this way!

    The tiredness totally took me by surprise!! It sounds like this is a normal part of the process though so we all just gotta keep keepin' on!!!

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I feel for you! When it happened to me I thought I had a chronic fatigue relapse. :( All I wanted to do was sleep. I definately wasnt overtraining at the time! Unless you put 40 or so minutes of gentle walking a day as part of my normal daily activity as overtraining!

    I am not sure why some people go through that stage or even if it is a stage. I have a theory but it has nothing to back it up its just conjecture and anyone elses wild unsubstantiated theory will be just as valid.

    and here it is..maybe..we reach a calorie level that kicks out metabolism into gear and it reves up. In this intial stage our metabolism spikes and even though we have used calculators to work out the level of calories we should be eating, for a short period of time our calorie needs are enough above our carefully calculated intake that we go through this tired phase.

    The reason why I am playing around with this idea is anorexics when they go from restriction to recovery have greatly increased calorie needs well above what someone of their height and weight would be calculated to need. This is partly because the body needs additional calories to heal the damage caused but also because of an substantial extended metabolic spike.

    Again maybe even a short amount of time on calore restriction before upping calories again can cause a response like this but for a thankfully shorter period of time.

    For anyone going through an unexplained bought of tiredness, it worth trotting of to the doc just to make sure there isn't a underlying health issue as opposed to labeling it as "oh I am just going through number 5 on the EMTWL phenomena list". After all we are just playing around with ideas here, I dont have any peer reviewed studies to back it up.

    For those who dont feel it is invading their privacy It might be worth posting if they experience this and for how long. Pertinant info would also be their previous history off calorie restriction (how long at what level) their current calculated TDEE BMR, age, height. I would be just as interested in those who don't experience this stage. Maybe we could figure out if something is going on here?

    I should change my degree. This is all so interesting.

    Twinmomtwice I hope you feel better soon.
    (oh my goodness your name just sank in that would make anyone tired by the end of the day!)
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124

    I am drinking plenty of water but my allergies have been crazy with all this wind!!! According to my BMF, I'm averaging about 6 hours of sleep a night. I do a lot of tossing and turning so that's contributing, I'm sure, to my exhaustion.

    Seasonal allergies can be draining. You might be tired from that! They can really knock me on my behind.

    Make sure you are washing your face regularly - pollen, etc. can collect all around your eyes and nose. And, take showers! Gotta rinse all that stuff off. Claritin helps me, too.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    JadeRabbit, I always enjoy hearing your perspective!!! It would be interesting to gather all the data from people in this group who have experienced this extreme fatigue and see what we can come up with!

    Thankfully, my tiredness was very short lived. It lasted only 3 days and now I'm back to feeling energized again! I think the increase in calories and then getting back into my workout routine right after a week's break knocked me on my butt!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Glad to hear you're back to feeling yourself~ it WAS unusual for you to be tired from what I know about you.

    And thanks for posting this for others to see that 1) It happens and 2) It goes away and 3) there's no need to panic!!

  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Glad to hear you're back to feeling yourself~ it WAS unusual for you to be tired from what I know about you.

    And thanks for posting this for others to see that 1) It happens and 2) It goes away and 3) there's no need to panic!!


    Thanks Rosie!!