Should I raise my cals? Terrified!

kooshajan Posts: 174 Member
I would really appreciate any advice that could be given!! Ive asked around and can never seem to get a thorough answer!

Upon joinging MFP I was given a net calories of 1200. I selected a 2lb weight loss as I have 50-55lbs to lose. I have done some reading on the forums and have read to never eat below your bmr (mind you I dont know if that means net or actual) so I upped my net calories to 1590. My bmr according to MFP is 1550 (though othersites I have it calculated around 1620).

What I want to know is should I up them again? I am terrified of gaining more weight but to be completely honest I think stressing about all of this is whats preventing me from losing anything in the first place!

I am 5ft2.5
28 years old

According to my bodybugg I burn 2100 on an average day with no exercise. On days I do exercise (I typically will bike for an hour or two) I burn an additional 400-500 calories according to my bodybugg.

I gained well over 80lbs during my pregnancy. Lost 40 2 years ago and since than have either gained or stayed the same. SO frustrating! I am aiming for 140lbs bringing me in the healthy range as I am concidered obese at the weight I am now and am starting to notice certain health issues occuring.

That being said just what the heck am I supposed to be eating on days I do workout (Mon-Fri) and days I dont (Sat-Sun).


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Welcome to the group.

    Sounds like your body bugg is pretty accurate.

    Running your numbers i come up with this

    BMR= 1619

    TDEE Maintenance = 2510

    TDEE Cut target = 2134 (TDEE -15%)

    I would suggest eating 2134 (not eating exercise calories back) a day, regardless if you work out or not on a day (you must be consistent with your 5 days a week though as I set your activity level to moderate)

    You can do this for 6-8 weeks before you notice any downward trend due to coming off a very low caloric deficit diet. Takes time for your body to re-adjust.

    I would suggest reading the Stickies at the top of the forum, especially about what to expect.

    Anyways we are here for support, welcome!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Welcome! Its generally recommended you eat your cut calories on both workout feasts and job workout days. Try to stock to were, unprocessed foods. Lean meats, eggs,greek yogurt, nuts, peanut Butter, oatmeal, fresh fruits and veggies. I know its hard to up the calories, but I think the rewards are well worth it!
  • kooshajan
    kooshajan Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you both for the welcome and response!

    I am incredibly nervous about this but I have been reading quite a few of the stickies and other topics and it seems like people are having great results and this is more so the way to go!

    So if I understand this correctly if I were to raise my cal intake to 2100 (net?) that was mentioned above...that would create a deficit of roughly 400 calories. And with my hour bike ride burning for example 350 calories that would make my deficit 750 calories? Do I make sure my deficit doesnt go below my BMR of 1600 and if it does to eat back some of those cals so that I net my BMR?

    I feel really silly asking these questions as I am pretty decent with math but for some unknown reason my brain just refuses to calculate this!

    Thank you once again for the response!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    dont worry about exercise calories if you're eating at the number he calculated for you - UNLESS you did something crazy like hike for 9hours, in which case you would (and this is also in response to an original question in your post), you would eat a NET calorie goal of at least your BMR.

    but it's so much easier and less insane just eating at a static goal vs. trying to estimate calories burned each day, how much to eat, blah blah blah. wish I'd done this from the beginning.

    note- your weight loss may feel slow with this technique. but it is more SUSTAINABLE. I think of it this way: I spent years being chubby, why do I have to lose the weight "now!" Take your time, dont drive yourself nuts, and have faith that you ARE getting somewhere, even when it doesnt feel like it.

    take measurements too, because the scale is absolutely EVIL. evil, I tell you. I've only lost 17lbs but around my waist ALONE I've lost about 8 inches. Craziness.
  • kooshajan
    kooshajan Posts: 174 Member
    So if I dont worry about exercise cals than my deficit would be a mere that right?

    Do you not count a deficit with this method? Am I doing something wrong? Sorry but I am completely confused!!
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I know how you feel I had just got my head around 'eat your exercise calories' then came here and had to unlearn it!

    Basically how I look at it is your fuelling your workouts throughout the week - so no need to do it after your workout (unless a really big burn or extra workout)

    Don't forget this is a slow and steady weightloss - for life :)

    Hope that helps!