Accurate Activity Levels

Hello all! I am also new to this site and have found some phenomenal information through these message boards so I figured I would ask a fitness related question....thank you in advance for your advice!

My question has to do with activity levels as I'm getting quite confused in terms of what is classified as "light" or "moderate" activity. On the Scooby site "light" is 1-3 hrs/week of light and "moderate" is 3-5 hrs/week of moderate exercise.

Before I thought that I would be in the moderate range but after reading some of the posts here I'm second guessing myself. This is generally my workout regime....any help or advice would be great :)

Monday and Wednesday - 1 hour Zumba or alternate cardio (JM Banish Fast Boost Metabolism/treadmill)
Tuesday,Thursday, Saturday - Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 plus 30-40 minutes treadmill, either interval training or fast walk on incline
Friday - Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism 40 min and sometimes an additional 30 min treadmill.
Sunday - rest day

Should I be using "light" or "moderate" when figuring my TDEE? Thank you again!


  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    According to the second sticky topic you are in the very active category for determining your TDEE!!! Not light and not moderate, please check it out. It describes working out 6 days a week just like you describe you do. Well done!

    It is called"TDEE, What it is and why you should not eat below your BMR".by ANewLucia. it gives an excellent description.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thank you! Of course that is the one sticky I haven't checked yet!
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    Your welcome, have you watched the videos? They are quite informative as well. I find I absorb the information when I hear it as well as read about it.

    I have been doing this for about 25 days. I like eating healthy and eating more, I am down 2lbs so far. Happy with that. :happy:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Yes, I think that I feel much better about increasing my calories now.....after doing so much reading, the science behind it totally makes sense!

    What do you do for exercise?

    I'm trying to figure out my calorie burn doing Jillian Michaels DVD's but I don't know what sort of exercise the site would classify it as! I'm thinking aerobic. OMG so many numbers!
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    Ashamed to admit this but not a whole lot right now. I used to do a Boot Camp but I can't get there due to work conflicts/needing sleep etc. I love to lift weights but have not done so for over two months! I also walked but again, that has slipped. I have turned into a couch potato. :( It really makes me sad because I was doing so well.

    I just don't have the energy for some reason. But have been doing the increased calories for 3 weeks and my energy is coming back. I am also going to contact my former trainer who was my Boot Camp instructor, to see about some training sessions. I need to get my rear into gear. I really want to get back into the lifting and some of the Boot Camp stuff we were doing was great. I wish my work hours would let me get up early enough to go back!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I totally get it! Life gets in the way and sometimes there isn't too much we can do about it!

    I would highly recommend the JM DVDs though....Kickbox Fastfix is in 20 min increments and the Ripped in 30 is 30 min. I also have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and you can pick the segments you want so the other morning I did 35 min instead of the whole 50 :) Just an idea if you are starting to feel yucky/guilty/sad about not working out!

    I'm a super believer in her workouts as I feel like I am challenged every single time....although that being said it's not like i was in stellar shape when I started to do them lol And I still have a long way to go before I am haha
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    My problem is space to do workouts in, I have none! my living room is small and no family room either. I have heard very good things about the Jillian Micheals DVDs, a friend of mine is doing 30 Day Shred, she has lost 15" overall in the last 30 days, really fantastic results!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I actually did the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism in my hotel room last time I had to go away for work lol

    The space was maybe 6 x 6....maybe? lol

    But yeah I do hear where you're coming from, if you always feel like you're going to run into something it really doesn't make it very enjoyable!