HELP NROLFW and half marathon training

teinepalagi Posts: 86 Member
So, I was asked by a friend to train with her for a half marathon. I wanted to start Stage 1 on Monday. I'm a decent runner (not a beginner) and have done 2 half marathons in the past (2 kids and 15 pounds ago). Has anyone done both? Did you feel like your training (either one) suffered because of it?



  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Today I just completed a 10k training program but I am a walker. I did start the 10k program a month prior to beginning NROL4W. In the beginning I think you will be able to manage it. I am in Stage 3 where the workouts have gotten longer. I only did the 10k training program and NROL4W on the same day once a week, which is usually Sunday. I did the weight training in the morning and my 10k training in the evenings so about a 8 time span from when I completed NROL4W and started the 10k training. I say try it and if it is too much stop with one of them. Good luck
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    How long do you have to train for the half marathon? Which one is more important to you? Which one do you want to do well at? You could do both but you may risk injury if you push it too hard in both programs.

    IMHO, I think that if you were further along in the program or had done a half marathon more recently, it would be easier for you to combine the two.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i think it depends on how conditioned you are to running that distance. if it's something your legs and body are used to then you'll be able to fit in to NR, if not then you'll be training at cross purposes
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I am concerned about this as well. I had already signed up for my first Half in October before I started NR. The training ap that I got has me starting to train on July 16th. I am hoping to be done with Stage 4 by then. If I find one thing suffering, I will probably take a break from lifting to concentrate on running. I hope it does not come to that though.

    Good luck and keep us posted!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I did both when I first started back to lifting. I was up to running 12-13 miles on a Sunday for my long run. Because I was training, I made the running my priority and 'fit' in lifting when it worked. IT CAN NEVER BE A BAD THING to add in weight lifting to any sort of training regimen, in fact, I actually got faster! I've been told by others they ALSO increased time with weight training..

    BUT... and there is always a but...... IMHO
    However, there are stages of NROLFW (Stage 3+) that want/require interval training and you do NOT want to double up on that with the half training. If I were you, I'd lay out my calendars and see how it would look on paper. If you find that you will hit Stage 3 of NR and be hitting your longer training runs, you might just consider hanging out and re-doing Stage 2 a time (or two or three).

    If you cannot make the schedules work, see if you can find another program for lifting that will work for you on your off days. In a worse case scenario, simply do the circuit at your gym on your 'off days'.. I really helped me a lot!