Adjusting the schedule for vacation

clowermom Posts: 52 Member
I'm leaving for a 14-day vacation on June 20 and have just completed the Push Phase. According to my regular schedule, I would rest tomorrow (Sunday) and begin Lean 1 on Monday. I lift on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I do 2 cardio days and 2 rest days -- according to the regular schedule.

I'd really like to be able to complete the Lean Phase before leaving on vacation. I can accomplish this by lifting every other day starting tomorrow. I'd do Lean 1/Wk 1 on Sunday, Lean 2 on Tuesday, Lean 3 on Thursday, and then Lean 1/Week 2 on Saturday and so forth. This means the first week I would lift 4 times, the next week 3 times, the third week 4 times and then the final week just once (Lean 3/Wk 4). Still leaving a day in between lifting.

That's the easy part. The more challenging part for me is figuring out the cardio and rest days. Is it really necessary to have 2 cardio days a week? How about the 2 rest days a week? If I modified the schedule, I could have a rest day every 4th day and still get in all the workouts before I go on vacation. But I'm worried that I'm asking for trouble by not resting for 2 days every week.

I'd love to hear your opinions and feedback. Thanks, ladies!