savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member

Perhaps you might want to bookmark this page for after Memorial Day weekend........:laugh:

This is great especially if you're just starting, or had an little challenge of overeating!

People choose to detox for many reasons--to lose weight, to cleanse the liver of impurities, even for spiritual or religious reasons. There are a number of detox programs available to you if you choose to follow one, and they vary in length and in what you are and aren't allowed to consume. Some detox plans allow you to only drink water, but you need to make sure you are still getting some nutrition or you are likely to get fatigued, run-down and even sick.

This two-day detox program consists of drinking only fruit juice for 48 hours for improved health and weight loss.

Step 1
Drink only liquids. For 48 hours, drink only water, teas, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and diluted fruit juices. No solid food should be consumed. It is best to dilute bottled fruit juices as they contain a lot of sugar. Stay away from soda and caffeinated beverages (except tea).

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Step 2
Have a liquid meal at your regularly scheduled meal time. Do not break from your regular meal schedule. Instead, have a fresh fruit juice or cup of tea for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and whenever else you would usually consume food. This will keep your body on a regular schedule so that it is not disrupted once the fast is over.

Step 3
Get plenty of nutrients. Be sure to get as much nutritional value as you can from your liquids. Some fasts require you to only drink water, but the body requires certain nutrients in order to have energy. Depriving your body of nutrients will result in fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, a compromised immune system and even illness. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can provide much of the daily nutrients required by the body if prepared correctly. If you don't like vegetable juice, try mixing in a little bit of spinach or beet root to a fruit juice concoction--often the fruit juice will overpower the vegetable juice and make it undetectable.

Step 4
Drink plenty of water. You should try to limit fruit juices only to meal times. At all other times, drink plenty of distilled water, which will help the body optimally cleanse itself.

Step 5
Take your vitamins and medications. If you take vitamins and medications for a condition, do not stop taking them during the detox.

Step 6
Get some light exercise. It is best not to exercise too intensely during the detox period, but some light exercise, like a brisk walk, keeps the body healthy, the energy level up and the mind clear.

Step 7
Get plenty of rest. Anything outside of what your body is used to may cause it to become fatigued. If you are following this detox program for better health--or even if you're not--it's a good idea to get extra rest during this two day period to give the body a chance to process the effects of the detox. It is best to choose to do the detox on a weekend or during a time that you do not have to work.


