EPIC FAIL yesterday :-/

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
I just have to vent about my lack of self control yesterday. I went back to some very OLD habits. All was well for the first half of the day, but then we went to a festival. 1/2 brisket sandwich, 1/2 empenada, 1/2 paella, 1/4 of a funnel cake, piece of pizza!

THEN we go to a new grocery store and my husband (who lost 120lbs on his own) and I go WAY back into old habit and go "ooooo!" look at that peanut brittle! toffee covered pretzels! licorice! I can't be AROUND those foods as my hand was in those containers all NIGHT LONG. We then ordered Thai food at the end of the night (split an order) as we felt so sick from all that sugar we aren't used to eating.

I mean HOW MANY CALORIES WAS THAT? I feel like a heffalump this morning, and feel so strongly that I want to dial back the cals today. Between the lavash issue of messing up my servings all week and probably eating at maintenance instead of my cut...and now a birthday dinner on Friday and the EPIC SATURDAY that was yesterday I'm feeling very bad.


  • sugarsquare
    sugarsquare Posts: 60 Member
    I have had one of these "epic fail" days at least ONCE per week since I started! One day this week I just stopped counting because there was no way that I could even look at what I ate! I just kept eating and eating and eating! Just move on. I was at my calorie goal the rest of the week and even though I didn't exercise hardly at all because I was sick. I did a 5K run yesterday and crushed my time :0) I am slow but 34:17 is far faster than my 39:00 time last year! AND the race was sponsered by Chick Fil A, I got a chicken sandwich and a cookie, I gave the sandwich to my hubby and I ate the cookie and enjoyed every bite! I am down .6 lbs from last week so I am just going to enjoy life from now on and not worry too much!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Chalk it up to a GREAT lesson learned about places/foods to avoid! Definitely eat your calories today. I always want to revert to old habits of starving myself after eating poorly, but we both know that's not the way to go. Move past yesterday and last week and remind yourself that today is a new day.:flowerforyou:

    You work out SO much that I doubt last week will even have much of an impact physically (although mentally is a different story as we all have experienced!)

    Hang in there. Today is the first day of the rest of your life (cheesey, but true)!:smile:
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    Carry on, Sister. :) Look at my diary on April 28. ;) I had several days like those during the month of April and May (lots of birthdays, a wedding, etc.). Just get back to your cut today and the world will keep revolving.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    When I have days like this- I take it as a sign it's time to review my TDEE calculations and activity level. If I emotionally ate- like crying jag eating- then it's not a physical response. If I walk by a food and my stomach feels like it's going to leap out of me to eat that food- then I need to look at my calories.

    Have I eaten to my goal consistently? (use reports tab on the website for a great eye-opener) Am I set up correctly with activity level?

    When I have binges it's been because one of these things isn't met correctly.

    Dust yourself off- and move forward. Punishing yourself today for yesterday does nothing.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    I feel you. Last Friday i felt that way. I ate at Red Robin... I think I ate almost TDEE or at TDEE.. or even over TDEE.. but I move on and eat my own calories and plus extra due to workout I did yesterday. I felt good, much less guilt than I once was when I had only 1,200 and i would often punish myself by eating under 1,200... then that behavior happens again... we are changing our lifestyle so new day today.. eat your calories and enjoy your weekend girl!
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    Today is a new day! Don't torture yourself with shame just start again and leave yesterday behind :flowerforyou:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, today is a new day! And I'm impressed at all the 1/2s in your list of treats yesterday - at least you didn't consume an entire sandwich, funnel cake, etc. :smile:

    Drink plenty of water today, remember how you feel after eating all the sugar (a great deterrent for me, I hate that feeling!!), and resolve to feed your body good stuff all day long today. You are not alone, we all have days like that, and we're all here to help encourage each other when it happens.

    Have a great day!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    You feel terrible about reverting back to old habits yesterday, so don't do it today by restricting back to lower calories. It didn't work for you in the past and it won't work today. This is definitely a learning process. Trial and error. You just are not going to be able to get it all down perfect within a few weeks.

    That was yesterday so eat your cut today with clean healthy foods to combat the unhealthy foods yesterday. You will probably always have another day like yesterday, it happens! Hopefully you and your husband had fun together and enjoyed yourselves. Its like a hangover after a night of drinking. You might feel like crap today, but the fun you two shared yesterday was worth one day feeling crappy. :flowerforyou:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Awww...I know the feeling. It happens to the best of us. But you will be just fine. One fail day, even of epic proportions, will not undo everything. I think we all need a day like that every now and then. You'll do better today!
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    It was probably just a little freak-out from the lavash debacle and realizing you were unknowingly eating maintenance. You felt like you were in control and then suddenly you weren't. Lashing out by eating things you have been avoiding actually makes sense. Don't feel bad about it.

    Start fresh with the cut calorie goal you and log everything as accurately as you can. Come up with a plan for situations when you will be around food that is difficult for you to avoid. Either come up with something that helps you avoid it, or find a way to fit it into your calorie goals if you must have it.

    The main thing is don't get discouraged! You're doing great. Plus at least you figured out why you were maintaining and not losing - isn't it great to have a reason, even if it is a frustrating one?!
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    double post - sorry!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks friends! We have friends in town today....so there are ribs, ice cream, cocktails....pray for me. LOL!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    When I have days like this- I take it as a sign it's time to review my TDEE calculations and activity level. If I emotionally ate- like crying jag eating- then it's not a physical response. If I walk by a food and my stomach feels like it's going to leap out of me to eat that food- then I need to look at my calories.

    Have I eaten to my goal consistently? (use reports tab on the website for a great eye-opener) Am I set up correctly with activity level?

    When I have binges it's been because one of these things isn't met correctly.

    Dust yourself off- and move forward. Punishing yourself today for yesterday does nothing.

    I just wanna stamp my signature on this one, lol... SO agree!

    You're all good, girl. It's life... :flowerforyou:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks girl! You keep us going. Week 3 DONE! No scale. No jeans. ;-)
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Thanks girl! You keep us going. Week 3 DONE! No scale. No jeans. ;-)

    ROFL @ NO jeans!!!! smart woman!!! Dresses rock when upping cals, they should be mandatory :D
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Don't be upset about things you can't change any more

    Let it go and concentrate on today :)

    You are doing great
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    We all have these issues. Learn from the way you felt so you try and not repeat it. Just log the day as a veggie in your tracker and move on! :happy:
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    We have all been there! All you can do is look forward and keep moving on!
  • elly1979
    elly1979 Posts: 79 Member
    Gosh, the responses here are just amazing. Especially gemiwing. I do so love this community :)

    I had 2 days of that! A buffet Saturday night and a breakfast one Sunday morning. It was a lesson in balance for me. I'd really gone off the calorie chart on Saturday but decided 2 things:

    1. I wasn't going to resort to (years ago old) mentality of "screw it, blow the whole diet and pig out" on Sunday
    2. But I wasn't going to overly restrict myself, either.

    I enjoyed some nice treats on Sunday. I worked to get in *good foods* first. That helps me post binge: eat foods that are good for me, that get me to my minimum calorie count. Add in small treats where I can. Play around with it.

    It is the crafting of a life within a framework that is much more sane than how we used to live. And I think in that framework lies the capability to be much kinder to ourselves on super high calorie days. It is not "good" or "bad" or a reflection of your value as a person. It is just a day in your life that was a bit different than most balanced days in your life.