Newbie Questions.....TDEE %, Activity Level, Exercise

Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
Hello Everyone!!!!

First let me start off by saying my head has been spinning since I came across this forum. I always thought that since I was short, 5'3, and was getting older, 33, and have a goal weight of 130 lbs, which is less than 20 lbs away from my current weight of 141 lbs, I would have to starve myself to get to goal. I'm such a dork, wanted to make sure I got in all my stats....LOL!!!

So my questions are:

1) Is using 20% of your TDEE a bad thing? I ask b/c 1740 is so much more doable than 1850....phew..

2) I chose moderate activity since I do 40-60 mins of cardio 5 days a week, but I do have a desk job. Would choosing the light exercise be best. I say this b/c I am sedentary for the majority of the day.

3) I do plan on strength training in the near future but for now I'm currently doing cardio. I do not own a HRM and am wondering if I should go by what the cardio machine or MFP is calculating as my calories expended? I'm pretty sure I'm staying over my BMR but wanted to know if others have this same concern.

I do apologize if these questions have been answered before. It's extremely intimidating, yet exciting, to go from 1200 or less cals to 1740 or 1850 cals, then start strength training, then decrease cardio, etc..... I know this will be better for me in the grand scheme of my life and health but like any normal person have my worries.....



  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    First, welcome to EM2WL!
    1) Is using 20% of your TDEE a bad thing? I ask b/c 1740 is so much more doable than 1850....phew..

    That's your decision. Most people are at a 15% cut , but you can always go up later.
    2) I chose moderate activity since I do 40-60 mins of cardio 5 days a week, but I do have a desk job. Would choosing the light exercise be best. I say this b/c I am sedentary for the majority of the day.
    Moderate activity
    3) I do plan on strength training in the near future but for now I'm currently doing cardio. I do not own a HRM and am wondering if I should go by what the cardio machine or MFP is calculating as my calories expended? I'm pretty sure I'm staying over my BMR but wanted to know if others have this same concern.

    I think the best thing you can do for yourself is get a heart rate montior that includes a chest strap. I think you can get a basic one for around 30. Please do that so you don't have to guess.
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks tangiesharp for your response!!!