New here


I'm new to and I wanted to introduce myself, and, actually thank you. I have hypoT and have been on 75 MCG for a few years now and found my symptoms never really went away even though my TSH levels were regulated (believe my last test showed 2. something a couple weeks ago).

I just started reading posts on this group about a week ago and was enlightened. I found that you can actually self advocate and ask that they treat your symptoms, not just the numbers. I called and expalained that I am still really struggling with my weight (even though I've been busting my butt at the gym 4 days a week and eating 1200 calories a day), and that I still have hair loss and fatigue. I asked that they increase my strengthy of Levo and the NP said that she would try to go up to 88 MCG and we can retest in a month to see if the levels don't swing too far the other way.

I had no idea I could even ask for that! So, it's been a few days on 88 MCG and of course, I don't see any changes yet, but I'm hoping to in a few weeks.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies. I hope to be a successful member for a long time!



  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Brenda :flowerforyou:
    I have to agree, this site is very helpful! I have only known I had hypothyroidism for a couple of months now. So it has been invaluable to me too. Some very knowledgeable & experienced people here, who take the time to help us newbies (thank you Terri)!

    I am hoping to lower my dose/symptoms by correcting my diet & supplements. I have yet to make it to a natropath, but will. (I tend to only be able to face one situation at a time... taxes are in for-front for me at the moment). But I will make that appointment soon. In the meantime, I have found that virgin coconut oil has really helped my symptoms, as well as got me off of a plateau.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome and glad to hear your doctor listened!! Levoxyl is synthetic T4 -- I took Synthroid (also synthetic T4) for 15 years and continued to gain weight and have many hypo symptoms the entire time. They gave me blood pressure medicine, cholesterol medicine, Metformin and Paxil... each supposed to help with a symptom -- but each made me worse. At one point, I was taking 11 prescription medications and topping the scale at 175 pounds.

    Now, I am approaching 60 years old and I said "no more". I found a Naturopath and got off the medications and on to Armour Thyroid - which is a Natural Dessicated Thyroid medication that comes from pigs... yep, pigs. Armour was the #1 medication for hypothyroidism until the 1970s - when Synthroid was invented the pharmaceutical companies went on a campaign to destroy the reputation of Armour saying it was unstable and that the dosage varied from batch to batch... this was all pure hogwash, but doctors today still say this stupid stuff. Most of them will blame your symptoms on something else - you eat too much, you don't eat enough, you need to walk and exercise,... blah, blah, blah. One endo told me "women your age all have trouble losing weight"... they make you think you are crazy. My Naturopath saved my life... he listened to my symptoms and we are knocking them all out.

    After 5 months on Armour, I am on no prescription drugs except for Armour. My cholesterol is normal and my blood pressure is normal. I am not depressed - I'm happy! And my weight is now 134 pounds. I am a late blooming athlete and have enough energy to workout 6-7 days a week.

    I know there are people on this forum that do ok on synthetic T4 -- so would ask them to pipe in on how they do it. It never helped me.

    Most of all, educate yourself -- I recommend you go through this site very carefully:

    Hope you find some relief from your symptoms! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks so much Debby and Terri. You both seem very knowledgable on the subject.

    Debby, does virgin coconut oil come in a bottle like a vitamin supplement? Or, is it bottled and used for cooking, etc.? I've never heard of it. Thanks again!

  • Hello everyone! I have hypothyroidism, but I still think some things about me are different than the rest of you. I take Synthroid 6 days a week. I go back in July to see if the dosage needs to be adjusted. My endo also told me that not only diet will help you lose weight, but also weight training! It keeps your metabolism going longer than just cardio. I noticed that some members of this forum use Armor. However, I did hear that its hard to find. But can't say its true because I've never taken it. I guess you just have to find what works for you and have a doctor (endochronologist) that you can talk to and wants to work with you instead of pushing you out the door. Ok-will get off my soapbox now. :wink:
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Hello everyone! I have hypothyroidism, but I still think some things about me are different than the rest of you. I take Synthroid 6 days a week. I go back in July to see if the dosage needs to be adjusted. My endo also told me that not only diet will help you lose weight, but also weight training! It keeps your metabolism going longer than just cardio. I noticed that some members of this forum use Armor. However, I did hear that its hard to find. But can't say its true because I've never taken it. I guess you just have to find what works for you and have a doctor (endochronologist) that you can talk to and wants to work with you instead of pushing you out the door. Ok-will get off my soapbox now. :wink:

    Armour is not hard to find -- just call your pharmacy and ask them if they carry Armour. Ask them if they could give you the name of a local doctor who prescribes Armour -- voila - you have your information.

    Doctors that say only weight training can help you lose weight are just plain crazy. There are many, many women on this forum who are busting their butts working out and never lose any weight -- I've been one of them for a very long time. Until all your metabolic levels are optimized you won't lose weight -- that's Thyroid hormones - T3, T4, Reverse T3, Thyroid Antibodies + Adrenals - cortisol, aldosterone + Iron/Ferritin levels + Vitamin D levels, etc...

    There are lots of crazy, quacky docs out there who don't know anything about thyroid disease. That's why we have this forum and that's why there's 7,000+ people on -- and their FB group. Because doctors treat our TSH lab results and not our metabolic symptoms.

    If you are holding yourself accountable for what you eat, eliminate sugars, starches and processed foods - eat fresh, whole foods you can't lose weight (regardless if you are exercising), you probably have levels that are not optimal.

    I had a doctor once tell me that women over 50 can't lose weight and that's just how it is. He shrugged his shoulders. I shrugged my shoulders and fired him. :explode:

  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks so much Debby and Terri. You both seem very knowledgable on the subject.

    Debby, does virgin coconut oil come in a bottle like a vitamin supplement? Or, is it bottled and used for cooking, etc.? I've never heard of it. Thanks again!

    Hi Brenda :flowerforyou:
    You can find Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (organic) at health food stores. It sounds liquid... but its not! It actually looks like lard! You can find & read up on it online. is one place with info.

    If you don't want any coconut taste, they have it with none... but it really isn't very strong. I put it on my tortilla, like butter & add my meat, for my sandwich & don't even notice the taste.