Need a shoulder too

Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
This is my fourth week of EM2WL...And I need to vent a bit.

I trust the method, all those maths makes sense to me. I just want to have some results right now, to congrats myself. For a month, nothing has changed. I'm good at getting my calories for the day, though I still have some troubles with macros (too much carbs, not enought proteins). I know this is kind of a marathon, not a sprint, and that I can't expect silly things like "losing 10 pounds in a week". Still, I see many people here having amazing results, losing inches, changing themselves...

Sometimes I believe I will not make this happen. It takes everything now to get in the gym even though I know I have to. I find it very difficult to be "alone" on this journey, with slim sister and mother. I'm tired of all those friends who can eat everything while I always think "hmmm is this too much calories ?"...

I keep posting fitness posters on my PC background. I hope those images will help me to stay focus, but I really lack motivation right now. I really needed some changes in my body to push myself...But if you don't push yourself, you can't have those changes right ? Feels like running in circles.

Tomorrow is another day and I think weekends make it more difficult. I know I sound like a desperate women in my post, but it really made me feel better.

I'll continue and get back in the gym. I hope sweat will free my mind !!


  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Well i was feeling how you were feeling while i read your post but now i feel better ... so thanks for that ... you have motivated me to keep going and keep pushing on while waiting to see progress. i have been doing for 5 weeks and starting to see slow progress so I hear where you are coming from ... it takes a lot of trust to go along with something like this when we live in a 'I want it now' world.

    You are doing well and I am glad you feel better by debriefing. It is an essential part of this process I feel hehehehe

    Good stuff and keep going
    Stay positive and keep eating hehehe

  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Oh I hear you. Im in the same boat somedays.. Ive been doing this for a little over two months, and basically the scale has gone up and down with the same 5 pounds lately. I was finally starting to get somewhere and then the last two weeks have been completely haywire. The only thing I have been able to attribute is the last three weeks I began heavy lifting, so I am hoping it is just my body making more adjustments with the extra muscles coming in and hopefully in time the scale will catch up.. Id like to say my inches have cooperated, but again, its being masked by the weights right now..

    Its frustrating.. really and truly. Its hard enough to see people drop pounds in an instant when they starve themselves, but it is honestly even harder when its the people doing the same thing as you, and they are getting the results you crave. I have a number of "friends" on my list who are doing fabulous eating more and seeing the weight loss come, but I am not one of them yet and it saddens me somedays. Not for them, I think its amazing to see so many people do wonderfully on this, but saddens me that once again I am not the "lucky" one when it comes to weight loss, you know?

    The only thing I can tell you is you know you dont ever want to go back to eating very little. Remember what that felt like. Then remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.. we are in it for life, not for the quick fix. (even though a hit of a quick fix would be nice:)) It is the right thing to do, and you know it is what you want.. Keep at it, have faith and we are all here for you. I hope in a few weeks time you and I both can post happy results to show we are a success:)
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks ladies :)

    It really feels good to tell the world (alright, MFP lol) how I feel and it comfort me to see I'm not alone.

    And I know this will work, I'm just waiting for the day I can say "oh yeah, dropped some fat here and a pound there !". I know I have to be patient, and I will.

    Won't be getting back at starving !
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Awww, I SO know your pain! ((hugs))

    Check out what I wrote in this post & on my newsfeed the other day about my own experience with this (it's the 2nd to last post)

  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Oh thanks Kiki ! Read it all and had a little cry... I know I used to be so fit, that people who know me remember how I used to be. It hurts so much to see those pictures and tell yourself that you can't have that kind of dress or this kind of shorts now. When I see my little sister who looks so great buying all those cool looking clothes and wearing sexy stuff, I feel really bad. This seems like a too big mountain to climb and I feel powerless.

    I really want this to work, but I need to be dedicated. Feel free to add me as a friend, I really could use the cheering.

    Thanks for reading me :)
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    You will get there ventaully and then you will be able to wear all those lovely clothes again.

    We all have bad days and even though I am fairly new to the process (3 weeks) I know it will work eventually for all of us.
