Need some food ideas

Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
As having suffered from ED I really have troubles to hit my 2000kcal per day

I am even thinking of doing a metabolism reset, but I don't know what to eat in order to hit the calorie goals

I am using protein shakes already, and I want to meat my Protein needs as well. I also eat at least 30-50 grams of nuts every day. I am not a big meat eater though.

Please give me some input, on how I can get there the best way, eating clean.

I don't like to eat processed food, whenever possible.

Thanks Ladies, I am getting a bit frustrated, really.

It's a constant struggle to get the calories in.


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You should eat full fat versions of things and calorie rich foods as well as increase your portion sizes by a small amount.

    Greek yogurt, chocolate milk, add another serving of nuts, avocado, a protein bar, eggs.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I was going to say protein shakes and nuts as well b/c that is what I use to get my protein and my calories up to 1800/day....Try using olive or coconut oil when you saute veggies or put a tablespoon or two in your protein shakes....Also adding peanut butter to your shakes as well...Cottage cheese has tons of protein & cheese sticks are a good....Yogurt is really good for calories and greek yogurt is great for protein....Even protein bars...I hope some of these sound good to you....Good luck!! :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Avocados, peanut butter, bagels, cheeses, granola, eggs...
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Thank you guys

    As I don't like peanut butter too much, I will go for almond butter I think

    Thanks for all your input. I guess I will have to switch to Greek Yoghurt.

    You are great , Ladies
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    My meal last night scored 70g of protein(according to the site)which I was surprised at

    1 piece whole grain toast
    1/2 avocado mashed on it......mmmmm
    200g cooked ccken breast
    50 grams bacon

    I seriously didnt think I'd get through that much chicken but I was hungry after a heavy weight session and small lunch due to commitments.

    I try and eat clean too and cook from scratch . The only processed stuff I have had in 4 weeks is bread, protein powder and a small bar know and again. But I live where we can and im lucky to have the time too as well.

    Good luck with your journey:smile:
  • cottage cheese and oatmeal pancakes are nice (well I like em!!)

    50g rolled oats
    100g cottage cheese
    2 eggs
    1 teaspoon cinnomen

    Blend all above and then use non stick pan/ olive oil/ fry light and put small pancake sized blob in pan and fry till golden each size.

    I eat them with berries and greek yogurt... yum yum yum!

    Also if you want to increase your kcal in a healthy way add in udo or olive oil and seeds to your salads and fruit to your protien shake to make smoothies.... super healthy and super yummy :-)
