Need EM2WL pros to double check my numbers!

tenpets Posts: 423 Member
Hi, everyone!

I've only just begun EM2WL two weeks ago and started P90 (NOT x, just the original Power 90) three weeks ago. I just want to make sure my numbers are correct and appreciate your review and input!

We just moved up to the Sweat/ab ripper 200 (cardio and abs) AND Sculpt (weight lifting) both levels 3-4. After two weeks of level 1-2, we feel ready!

I had been eating around 1500 cal/d. The first week of P90 I gained 4 lb. The next week I upped my calories to 1800 and gained 1 lb. This past Friday I was down 3.7lb. With moving up in intensity I think I need to go up to 1900 cal/d.

5' 4"
168.3 lb
49 years old
work out 6d/wk (45 min work outs) My GowearFit registered 400 calories for the cardio 3-4. I haven't used it yet for the strength 3-4, but am guessing it's around 200 cal?
Sedentary 9-5 job

My goal weight for now is 150lb. Does eating 1900 calories sound right for my TDEE-15-20%?



  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    If you used moderate then yes at 15% cut I got 1900 cal a day too. So it looks good :)
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Hi and Welcome! :happy: I'm certainly no pro, but I can maybe help you a bit here...

    According to this calculator:

    Your BMR is 1451
    TDEE is 2250
    TDEE - 15% is 1912

    First things first...were you eating at a large calorie deficit before joining this group? (ie 1200 cals per day kinda thing?) or are you just starting a a weight loss plan now?

    The reason I ask, is that if you've been yo-yo dieting or are increasing calories after a period of a large deficit I strongly encourage you to do the full metabolism reset before dropping down into your tdee - 15% cut after 8 weeks. You can read why I say that in this post here:

    Once you've decided whether or not to fully reset or do tdee -15%, set your goal in MFP to that number and then eat that every day. You do not have to eat back exercise calories unless the NET number to the right on your screen is lower than the BMR number I just gave you above. If you find you are constantly having to eat back exercise calories, then bump up to the next activity level and rerun your numbers in the calculator I linked above.

    Also, make sure you read this post if you haven't already so that you know what to expect:

    I hope that helps a bit?
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I've been eating at 1200 (for two weeks- ugh!) then 1500 for about 3 weeks before starting to eat 1800 one week ago. Before that I wasn't tracking but am guessing I was eating around 1500-1600 but not exercising.

    Thanks for your input!! I just don't want to mess this up and gain a bunch of weight. I don't believe I need to do a reset, but I'm not certain... What do you all think about a reset?
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I've been eating at 1200 (for two weeks- ugh!) then 1500 for about 3 weeks before starting to eat 1800 one week ago. Before that I wasn't tracking but am guessing I was eating around 1500-1600 but not exercising.

    Thanks for your input!! I just don't want to mess this up and gain a bunch of weight. I don't believe I need to do a reset, but I'm not certain... What do you all think about a reset?

    Honestly? Based on my experience? If you don't know if you should do a reset...just do it so you don't wind up wasting 8 weeks and having to do it later anyways like I did. :wink: It will also give you confidence in knowing you aren't missing any possible steps and are on the right track. Considering that you are coming from a calorie deficit, I would probably recommend a reset just to be on the safe side, but that's a personal decision for you to make. And, I won't will likely gain weight at first as outlined in that one link I sent you. Comes with the game plan.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Oh my goodness. Doing a calorie reset for 8 weeks sounds terrifying! I can't imagine how much weight I'd gain eating 2250 cal/day! Is it really needed to start losing?
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Oh my goodness. Doing a calorie reset for 8 weeks sounds terrifying! I can't imagine how much weight I'd gain eating 2250 cal/day! Is it really needed to start losing?

    Well, from what I can tell, the founders of this group think it's a necessary step and personally so do I after 8 weeks at tdee -15% and not losing anything, just gaining. It is terrifying..I agree. Read through as much as possible on here and decide for yourself's a personal decision and some people are happy so far with their results at tdee -15%. :smile:
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    So glad I found this thread! I have my answer finally about how much I should consume and net per day according to the scooby workshop calculator! Now my day 2 can be a success!