questions as I get started tomorrow

MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
I read up on the upping my calories what to expect. I was the low calorie starvation mode eater so I need to expect my body to be a binge ever until it knows its being fed.

I ate to many carbs and need to lower my amount of carbs so what will that part do for me in regards to the weight.

about how much can I expect to gain a ball park figure. I am at 190 pounds right now will the gain be like the 250 pounds that I kicked to the curb in 1996 or would it be more like 200-210 pounds. Just wanting to know what to expect. I am still going to do this lifestyle change for myself this is the perfect thing for my lifestyle. I am just starting out to get me mentally ready and reading up on the upping my calories.

What is water retention? I am not familiar with that term and water weight? can you explain. thanks


  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How many pounds should you expect to gain? Here is my serious answer to this....don't go on the scale to find out. As you will hear time and time again. Use a measuring tape, pictures, clothes...but hide HIDE the scale. Because I know I'll flip out, I haven't hopped on or even worn jeans since I started. Dresses or workout clothes and measuring tape. You will NOT gain to 250. No way. It's usually 8-10 pounds...right guys? Help me. :-) It's water and glycogen building in your muscles. Not fat.

    Water retention is exactly that. Your body retains (holds onto) water. Like when it's "that time of the month" you get bloated? That's water retention.

    Are you planning on doing a reset or a cut first? Seems to me from many that as scary as it is, a reset is the way to go.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I was obsessed with the scale in the beginning of this process so I weighed every morning. Initially, I dropped 3 pounds but then I got stuck in a holding pattern where I kept gaining and losing the same 2 pounds for weeks.

    So I didn't see a huge weight gain but I did get stuck for a few weeks until my body began to trust the process. Then the weight began to come off, along with the inches.

    I think Graysmom gave you excellent advice. Stay far away from the scale and try not to focus on the numbers. Focus on the fact that you're doing right by your body and it will pay off in the long run.

    ETA: I focus more on inches than weight. I really wish MFP had some way we could put our inches lost in our tickers! I've lost 7 pounds but I've lost a total of over 16 inches so far.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    thanks ladies this helps me a lot. I am defintely doing the reset as I was a low calorie eater for a long time. I am a scale obbessor too as well.8-10 pounds isn't a bad gain. this will help me a lot.