NorCal Keto Meatup!

epaka Posts: 3 Member
Alright folks! The long awaited Bay Area Keto Meatup is upon us!

The following is all of the information regarding the time and place to be for a fantastic keto time to be had :)

June 9th, 2012 - 6:00pm
Shaburi Restaurant
171 Jackson St.
San Jose, CA 95112

Shaburi is a shabu shabu joint, which is basically a bunch of meat and veggies cooked in a broth at your table :) Think Japanese fondue! For those taking public transit... CalTrain connects with Lightrail in Downtown San Jose at the Diridon Station. You'll then want to take Lightrail to the Japantown/Ayer stop which is about a block away from the restaurant!

Please RSVP so that we can make sure to save enough tables! You can either RSVP here or shoot me an email at Thanks everyone! I look forward to meeting you all!