Ok I admit i am a bit intimidated by muscly grunting men!


Right I am a wimp and keep putting offmy new bodybuilding.com weight training programme cos that area in the gym is packed full of muscly grunting boys . I know I should toughen up and get in there but I think I'm scared of getting in their way especially when I'm not confident in my lifting yet soo can I practise at home and get good results? I have 2 adjustable dumbells ands ball and a band. Does anyone know a good at home programme I can start with that will give good results?


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I hear ya loud and clear about being intimidated. I feel the same way and have been a "gym rat" for 9 years now. I admit all I do is "look" over at that area!

    I'm going to start NROLW in a couple of weeks and in preparation for that I am FINALLY taking advantage of the FREE training sessions that came with my new gym membership.

    I made it CLEAR that I ONLY want to be shown around and taught how to use the Weight equipment and NOT given the sales pitch to buy training sessions. Hopefully that's what'll happen.

    So that's how I'm handling the situation. I'm sure I'll still embarrass myself from time to time and who knows, maybe someone will take pity on this novice and offer to help with some tips!!

    Good Luck!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I know it can be scary at first, but trust me when I say that they are either looking at you because 1) you are sexy when you lift or 2) they are admiring your form (and think you are sexy) or 3) they are worried about your safety (and want a reason to talk to you because they think you are sexy).

    I recommend watching a lot of youtube videos and asking a trainer to show you how to use all the equipment. Mostly they ignore the women, until you start lifting more than they do and then they really respect you. Put on some headphones and try to ignore as best you can.

    The only exercise I still struggle with at the gym is straight-leg deadlifts. I have to stick my *kitten* in the air and bend over--the guys just stare and it annoys me because I can't focus. My husband says they are imagining what I look like naked and so I try to do that particular exercise at home.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Trust me, you can do it....no one was more shy and intimidated than me...I would walk past and think...oh no!

    But today, I strut right in there and take my place and do what needs to be done. Girl they really don't even pay you much mind...unless you are lifting more than them...hehe!

  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    haha its funny to hear the woman perspective on this.. I always feel kinda sorry for the girls at my gym cause ya they come over by the weight area and all the guys are looking at em.. so I can see how that can be annoying.. I do my best not to look, but as ladyace pointed out.. there are some exercises that draw our stares.. so ya..
    But on the flip side of that if you go into the weight area and have any questions on how to lift a weight or something like that just ask.. most of those guys would love to show/answer any questions you have.. form, reps, weight.. just make sure you ask someone that knows what they are doing if you have any questions.. those are usually the guys not grunting and yelling during their sets.. thats their Look at me lift this weight and be tough act... In general most of the people in the weight area are nice.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I think they only get all grunty when women come over to the area anyways. They gotta pump it up and make it seem like they are lifting harder hahaha

    Grab an extra 10 pounds when the ladies are around, then go back to a lighter weight when not
