Hello, looking for friends and support and maybe a kick

Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
Hi! I joined MFP back in 2011 and sorta used it to track calories. At that time it was set to 1550 cals +exercise cals. I followed that for awhile halfheartedly and lost 7lbs. The first time in my life that I lost weight when I actually tried. I derailed Mid Oct and picked myself up Jan 2nd 2012. Since then I have TRIED! I joined the gym which I have consistently gone to 3 times a week. I'm trying to be more active in life etc. I tried going back to 1500cals and I couldn't do it. I was grumpy and hungry and just kept cheating. 3 months ago I started NROLFW and looked at increasing my calories. I think I got up to 1750. I've been somewhat consistent with this and exercise but nothing is happening, I try to net above my BMR at least. Last week I decided to increase my cals cause of this group and all the reading I've been doing. Anyway...

Age 26
Height 5'8"
CW 183
GW 150
BMR: 1621
TDEE: 2513
TDEE -15% 2136
I set it to 3-5hrs/week of moderate exercise...I don't know if I fit that or the one below it. My New rules workouts are 50-70 minutes long, 3 days/week and pretty intense I guess. My other main form of exercise is walking. Some weeks I do more, some I do less. I sit at a desk 90% of the day.

So I've got my cals set to 1880/day, for the lower effort lifestyle. I've been eating at this for about a week with a horrendous weekend. Obviously not long enough to see any changes..but I'm tired of doing things wrong.

So...am I doing this right? Should I really try eating closer to 2000 cals/day? So far I've put on a pound and feel horribly bloated and slow. I'm scared and don't want to do this alone. I feel like I should eat less, but I know I can't sustain that for life.

My other problem with 1880cals are the macros. Currently I have 40/30/30 carb/prot/fat as per New rules...and I have been going over on carbs and protein...but 300 under on calories.

Ok that was waaaaaay longer than anticipated. Any help or encouragement would be great. Always looking for friends too. =D Thanks in advance.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hey sent ya an invite.. but ya I would probably up your calories to about 2000(or your cut value even if your comfortable with that).. 50-70 minutes x 3 would put you in that group if your pushing yourself during that routine.. You will probably gain some weight as most people eating under their BMR have done (including myself).. As for the macro's some people like the 40/40/20 here and if you can maintain that great.. if your going over in 1 of them, you probably want it to be protein.
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I think I'm going to wait a little longer at 1880 just because of my fitness level. I will be tacking on another 200 calories on my lifting days though because yesterday was a disaster. If I find I'm always having to eat up to my BMR I will Increase my daily intake to 2000. I'm going to be getting a fitbit which will hopefully help me figure out my activity level. Do you think this plan is ok? I plan on re-evaluating in 1 month and I'll count my actual start date as yesterday. So June 25th. Oh and thanks for the 40/40/20 that might work better for me
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I just sent you a friend request as well. I too just started new rules for women. Stick with the eating more, it really works!! I cannot believe how much energy I have. I can get through my workouts and not feel like I am killing myself with starvation. I am not so concerned with the scale, just with how my clothes are fitting. Hope everything goes good for you!!!
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the friend requests. I upped my cals to 2000 tonight after being sooooooooo hungry. Much hungrier than I was on lower cals. It was like I hadn't eaten but I was eating all day. I'm really scared that I'm just going to get bigger doing this, but I honestly don't know what else to do. 1500 wasn't working 1750 wasn't working, not counting wasn't working. argh
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Feel free to add me :)))
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    Day 3 update. Still insatiably hungry + monster headache and fatigue. I have a weird feeling this is actually a good thing lol. Ordered me a fitbit tonight as a reward for 5 full months of working out consistently!!