Two Weeks In - The Journey So Far!

I wanted to write up about the experience I've had so far with EMTWL. Please NOTE, these results are different for everyone! Everyone's body reacts differently AT first. However, don't be discouraged.

When I started, I was eating a net of 1200. I was exhausted. As an elementary school teacher, you CANNOT afford to be exhausted. I felt depressed and constantly stressed about my weight. A number was defining me. I had the image that 120lb was the only weight that would allow me to look "pretty". I didn't even see my weight loss progress as anything special. I would think, anyone can loose 15 lb. Easy.

I found this group though. As a math person, the numbers and formulas really drew me in. I also read the experiences both weight loss wise and overall life-style wise. It was inspiring. I made the switch.

I immediately upped my calories to 1800 day one. I felt bloated for a few days. It was rotten. However, with consistent exercise and hydration, it subsided. While the bloating was a pain, the energy I got just within the first few days was AMAZING. I felt myself sleeping better. I felt myself being happier. I even hid the scale and my whole world changed. Everything stopped revolving around that stupid box that sat at my bedside! I wasn't going to let it rule my life anymore!!!

Exercise wise, I do about 30 minutes to an hour each day. I break when my body tells me to break. I was an active athlete for years so my body is use to being pushed. I do the 30 day shred every day (I'm currently on level 3. I took on the challenge for May). I pair it up with a random Jillian DVD (6 week 6 pack and the kettlebell ones are my favorite). I also picked up lifting. I am starting with New Rules of Lifting for Women since I'm so new. I have had to modify some of the exercises in phase 1 since I am in that weird transition phase of graduate student to alumni. Once I get my new card, I can start working out at the gym, but for now, I have to work with what I have. (No barbells :/ )

Around day 5, I upped my calories again to 1900 which was closer to my TDEE cut. Again, the bloating monster reared its ugly head, but I was ready this time. It again subsided a few days later.

Now, I've made the switch to 2000. I am getting ready to do the full reset. I decided to jump up slowly though so my body could adjust. It also allows me personally to adjust to the changes occurring in my body.

So now, what are the results thus far? Well, here are the stats:


Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lb
Wrist: 5.5 inches
Waist: 27.5 inches
Hip: 32.5 inches
Forearm: 8.8 inches
Thigh: 21 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
Body fat %: 14.8


Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 133 lb
Wrist: 5.5 inches
Waist: 27 inches
Hip: 32 inches
Forearm: 8.8 inches
Thigh: 20.5 inches
Calf: 14.5 inches
Body fat %: 13.9


Weight: 2lb
Inches: 1.5
Body fat: .9%

The weight doesn't even phase me. To me, it's the body fat and inches. In just TWO weeks!!!

I must ALSO mention I'm having my TOM, so I am bloated up like the biggest balloon you've ever seen.

But overall, I feel healthier. I am told that I have a glow to me. I am smiling more. I am EATING more. I have always LOVED food. I love cooking.

Overall, I feel better. I know the reset may set me back weight wise and I will feel the bloating. However, all I will care about is that I feel better. I am no longer depressed. I no longer stress. I can actually now eat and not feel guilty. For me now, I want to make my body stronger and give it the respect it deserves.

So to anyone who has read this, it isn't about the number on the scale. It's about YOU. How YOU feel.

For me now, I am getting ready to enjoy a two week vacation with my fiance, parents, sister, and her boyfriend. I will move up to my TDEE (around 2400) since I find it easier to eat on vacation. Will I indulge? Of course! Will I forget about eating healthy? Of course not. I will still make sure to try and keep my macros in mind. I won't have the opportunity to log in each meal, but I will remain conscious of what I'm putting into my body. However, as mentioned, I will indulge because DAMMIT I DESERVE IT.

I shall keep continuing to work towards a healthier me. I want my body to trust me again. I want to trust me again! I want to not have to stress about food so much and just enjoy life. :)


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Awesome and inspiring update!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    It helps to have such wonderful people in this community to help inspire/ push me :)
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I was worried when you first posted about it that you wouldn't stick with it. I'm so glad you did! This is good news. :) Losing inches is so much better than "pounds" as you've learned.

    Also the extra energy is so important for you as a teacher as you said.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Totally awesome ... you are doing a great job and you are so right about the scale. i have hidden mine after reading this and I won't be looking at it for a while. Great stuff and thanks for the inspiration .... i'll probably be climbing the walls to look at scale but i will save this for later and read it whenever I need to ... :bigsmile:

  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Awesome results! Keep up the great work!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thank you so much everyone! It helps having such a positive support group here. I feel comfortable being able to share my experiences as well as learn from everyone around me. :)
  • saral8981
    saral8981 Posts: 65 Member
    Awesome!! keep up the good work. its so nice to read sucess stories when there is so much negativity out there :happy:
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Awesome!! keep up the good work. its so nice to read sucess stories when there is so much negativity out there :happy:

    I think there is negativity because humans are general failures... I don't mean that in a "negative" way (irony) I just mean people don't stick to stuff. So we end up with maybe 19 people out of 700 who have success only because the 19 went to the end and the others went to another fad diet or quit altogether.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Awesome work!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thank you!

    I agree about the negativity. I feel like people are negative generally, but perhaps its because sometimes we expect too much. Sometimes expectations are higher than we are able to reach in the amount of time we give ourselves.

    I just want everyone to be happy and healthy with themselves. Numbers don't define people. I have a friend who is 20 lb lighter than me and is the same height/ body structure. She looks bigger than me. Numbers mean DIDDLY SQUAT. It's about what you put in your body and what your body is made of (fat v muscle!)

  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Yeah!!! Great work :)
  • VERY inspiring! Thankyou so much for posting!
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    Thank you everyone <3:)
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    YES!! Congrats!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Wohoo that's awesome.

    Thanks for your inspiring story.

    Keep up the great work.

    This place is the best to find support-people on here are really kind and helpful.
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108

    This place is the best to find support-people on here are really kind and helpful.

    Agreed! Everyone supports each other. I find that inspiring and incredibly uplifting. :) Makes the journey easier!
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
  • sharpei65
    sharpei65 Posts: 167 Member
    That's inspiring! I have 2 weeks to go before I go on holiday, so after all the reading here and doing the calculations I'm going to give it a whirl for 2 weeks and then not worry about things whilst on holiday and come back to it!

    I was going to do a super restrict for 2 weeks but given that I have been struggling to keep to 1200 cals and not losing anything, I've decided not to and just accept that I wont be the weight and size I want to be on holiday, but hopefully I'll be energised and feeling a bit better about it all!
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Fantastic job. Nice to see all the hard work paying off.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    ah, love this story! congrats and thanks so much for sharing!!