Taking a turn to ask for help...

heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
Hi all!

I've been doing MFP for 40 days now, and have been using the EMTWL ideas since almost the beginning of that time. I'm starting to feel a bit confused, and am questioning whether I've done something wrong here... I suppose I'm wondering this since I am not seeing changes on the scale (yes, I know, the nasty scale :) ).

I wonder if anyone would take a shot at diagnosing...

Before I give my stats, I'll say that my goal from the beginning of MFP has been to really limit processsed foods, and focus on eating "Superfoods". I certainly feel much better - no 3 p.m. drowsies, more even keeled emotions, pain that had been popping up in my knee has disappeared... So I'm happy with these changes. However, I also need to lose about 40 pounds, and I'd like my eating habits to effect my weight as well. (Diary is open, so feel free to take a look.)

W: 184
H: 5'7"
Age: 42
Activity: sedentary? (I don't regularly exercise, but I do have 5 kids, so I am not sitting around all day... Wasn't sure what to choose)
According to Scooby:
BMR: 1566
TDEE: 1879
20% cut = 1500 (which is below BMR, so I know that's a no-no).
- I've set my goal at 1732, with macros at 40,30,30 (I RARELY hit my protein, and am frequently over on fat.)

I really, truly appreciate anyone who can take the time to give me some input. I am not planning on quitting, but I don't want to spend time doing something wrong. Also, I did not do the metabolism reset, b/c I have not been a yo-yo dieter.



  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member

    I don't know if I can diagnose you, but I do have a few comments that you may have previously read on the boards only because it seems to work for others.

    1. You're lucky you started EM2WL at the beginning of your weight loss. That means that you did not have to do a reset at the beginning.

    2. Please give yourself 6-8 weeks before you start to freak out about the scale (and yes the scale is nasty).

    3. I looked through your diary for the past week or so and saw that your rarely break 100g of protein per day. That's really low. Please consider adding a protein shake to your day or other high protein foods - greek yogurt, cottage cheese, egg whites, etc.

    4. I notice that you are not tracking sodium. I'm not sure how much processed foods are left in your diet, but keeping sodium below 2500 per day is recommended.

    5. You mentioned that you used sedentary activity level to determine your cut. I don't have kids, but I would think that running around after 5 kids should count for at least moderate activity, if not light activity. Just a thought.

    Hope that helps.
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks, Tangle.

    So I went back through my diaries to see exactly when I started EMTWL, and found that I did 3 weeks of below BMR eating when I first started MFP. (It seemed like so much less in my memory! :ohwell: ) I've been doing EMTWL since May 8, so that probably isn't a good enough time for me to freak out, as you say.

    I do plan to keep on, and just want to make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks for your insights.

    I have protein powder, and I'll probably add a protein shake. I kind of backed off on that b/c of some threads I read here that talked about some troublesome ingredients in protein powders. Probably just need to do some more research and look at more natural protein options.

    Thanks again. :)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I agree that it is too early to judge.

    I also think you should be at least light activity with having 5 kids.

    So you should bump up your numbers to light activity and also try only a 15% cut instead of 20. And then be aware that since you are switching things up it is like you are starting over again. Then be consistent with the number of calories.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I redid your numbers on the scooby site ( I love that site)

    What you had:
    W: 184
    H: 5'7"
    Age: 42
    Activity: sedentary? (I don't regularly exercise, but I do have 5 kids, so I am not sitting around all day... Wasn't sure what to choose)
    According to Scooby:
    BMR: 1566
    TDEE: 1879
    20% cut = 1500 (which is below BMR, so I know that's a no-no).
    - I've set my goal at 1732, with macros at 40,30,30 (I RARELY hit my protein, and am frequently over on fat.)

    What I got:
    Lightly active(not sure age of kids and how much running around you do)
    BMR 1566
    TDEE 2153
    -15% (cut) 1830

    So you should at the VERY LEAST eat 1800 calories per day....
    Make sure that you NET (Cals/eaten - Cals/burned = NET) BMR of 1566 each day...You do NOT eat back exercise calories b/c it is figured into your cut...

    I hope this helps you out....Also, like the others said starting from today...Try this for at least 6-8wks and use a measuring tape as well....
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you guys so much. I think I can get too much in my head about this, and then I get confused.

    It helps when I remember that I want to eat now like I'll eat for the rest of my life...

    And, like a bajillion other posters I've read, I have to admit, I'm a bit scared.

    Thanks to those who answered me, and to those who've answered all the other people who write similar questions. Maybe we need to hear this a number of times before it sinks in. :)

    - H