


  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    well, where is everyone?
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
    Three weeks? Cheer up.... Thats early... you will get there... Just eat well and allow your body to recover
  • ktndj82104
    ktndj82104 Posts: 85
    Hi everyone, i just joined the group. My lil one is 6 weeks and its time for me to start losing the baby weight. I am currently 164 and want to get down to at least 140-145.
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
  • My baby girl is 3 weeks today born May 31. When I had her I weighed 170 now I'm 151 before I got pregnant I was 156. I really wanna be 130-135. I try to watch what I eat I have two daughters that play softball and sometimes its hard we have to stop to get fast food. What things do you do? I could be a good mom and probably pack some lunch but sometimes were already rushing.
  • hannaheddo
    hannaheddo Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all :) I am an Aussie living in London, and I have a baby girl, just turned 9 months. I lost the baby weight pretty easily, but found it difficult to conceive due to PCOS, and was told to lose weight.. I am currently 65.5kg, (about 144.4lb) and want to get back to a healthy BMI, aiming to lose another 8kg and then hopefully think about baby no 2. Look fwd to sharing tips, successes and ideas with you all x
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
  • CandiceMcC1
    CandiceMcC1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everybody!
    My name is Candice. I had my little girl almost three months ago. I am exclusively breastfeeding her, so i want to take advantage of the increased calorie burn. "Make hay while the sun shines," so to speak :) I finally feel like I have a moment to spare, so now it is time to regain control of my weight. I weighed 185 lbs when I got pregnant, so I think that is a good goal to shoot for. My first mini goal is to get downtown 200 lbs from my current 207.6 lbs.

    One thing that has worked for me in the past is to plan the next day's meal in advance and enter it into MFP. That way, I dont have to decide what to eat and it helps remove the option of eating something undesirable.

    I look forward to being on this weight loss journey with you all. I hope we can all support and encourage each other!
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
    I look forward to being on this weight loss journey with you all. I hope we can all support and encourage each other!


  • Rettrett79
    Rettrett79 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Teretta and my baby s 2 1/2 months old. I've lost 47 pounds since giving birth. My goal is to lose 35 more pounds in order to get into my pre-pregnancy jeans. I'm exclusively breast feeding which is why I've lost so much already. Although it feels like it will take forever to feel like myself again, I'm looking forward to the journey. This group seems like the right group to give me that extra motivation and support and also a place where I can do the same. I wish everyone success.
  • ASchaffer23
    ASchaffer23 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome Teretta! 47 lbs already? That is awesome! Keep up the good work :)
  • beccalovesken
    beccalovesken Posts: 4 Member
    Hi mommas! Prior to pregnancy I lost 30 lbs weighing in at 120-122. During pregnancy I gained 40lbs. 6 months postpartum I am weighing in at 139lbs. Ideally I would love to be back to 120 (my profile pic) but my small goal is 129 (a new set of numbers). Feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    Hi my names Jen & i ah my gorgeous boy 4 weeks ago, before getting pregnant i lost 28lb with MFP & weighed 176lb. A week before birth i weighed in at a colassal 235lb but am now back at 201.5lb, i had loads of fluid retention! I'm aiming to get down to 160lb which was my original goal & i'm hoping you ladies can help me out. Right now i'm making sure i try to eat healthily & try to go for at least a 30min walk with baby every day weather permitting. I'm hoping once i've been given the all clear by Dr to get back to swimming, pilates & tae-bo
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
    WELCOME jenfunfur and CONGRATULATIONS on your bundle of joy... you will fit right in... feel free to post you questions, fears, frustration and successes
  • Hi everyone, I'm a mother of two a 6 year old girl and 3 month old son. Before I got the positive with my son I was still working on losing my weight from my eldest. I kept my weight down during pregnancy and lost nearly all of it already. Between breastfeeding and exercising my weights being stubborn but I have 40 til my goal weight and 60 til the crazy skinny weight.(:
    Nice to meet you all.
  • frcklz613
    frcklz613 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! I had my first child (a boy) back in December. I gained almost 50 pounds and have been working hard since March (when I finally got my kick in the butt) to lose it. So far, I've lost almost 30! I'm really close to my goal but keep hitting walls.

    I've always been very petite (didn't break 100 until college), but all of the women in my family end up getting the same shape - tiny everywhere except for having a tire stomach. I keep saying my goal is to lose about 10 more pounds, but I'm really focused on the inches around my waist.
  • kay1188
    kay1188 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome ladies... feel free to post question and comments on my successes and hurdles.