I hate to post this, but ...

I hate to do this to you all, but this is another "Why am I not losing weight?" post.

I have been sticking with EM2WL for nearly three months, now. I'm 5'6, female, 23 years old, 163 pounds. My BFP (according to an average of various calculators) is 27.8%. I started at 169 three months ago, and those 6 pounds came off almost immediately once I started exercising and eating healthier, which leads me to believe it was probably water weight.

I work out 3-5 times a week, depending on my work schedule. Usually, two of those days will be strength training, either resistance machines at the gym or body weight exercises at home, and the others will be cardio, either Zumba, tennis, or occasionally, walking.

My TDEE is around 2200 (according to Fat2Fit). I initially was eating at TDEE, and then have experimented with eating every number under the sun from 1550 (my BMR) to 2200. I didn't lose a single ounce at any of them (or gain anything, which seems weird to me now). The only time I lost ANYTHING was in a moment of weakness when I got so fed up that I went back down to 1200 for a week. I lost five pounds. However, I felt terrible physically. I was weak, tired, dizzy, and barely able to work out. I knew that I couldn't live that way after discovering EM2WL so I went back up to 1700 and gained the five pounds back. I lost a couple of inches right away after I first started, but that has now stayed consistent as well.

I feel so discouraged at this point. I have never put so much effort into trying to better myself, but I'm really losing faith. My husband tells me that I don't need to lose weight and I just shouldn't worry about it, but when I wasn't worried about it, my weight was racing up and up and up. My BMI is 13 pounds overweight and I would like to get to my "ideal" weight of 135. I see my skinny sister and friends eating junk food and looking amazing while I bust my butt at the gym and count every calorie, only to remain the overweight. Ok. Pity party is over.

Everyone says to give it time and be patient, but ten weeks is the longest I've ever seen anyone recommend that it will take to see some movement on the scale and it's been almost 12. I DO understand that this is not a quick fix, fad diet, etc. and so forth. If I saw a ONE OUNCE LOSS PER WEEK, I would be perfectly content! I also know that BFP is more important than weight, but that hasn't gone down, either. I don't understand how I can eat at 1550, 1600, 1700, and not be losing, since that is a very significant deficit. I always make sure to get all my macros (except sometimes, I go a little over on carbs) but I pay close attention to protein and have my macros at 40/30/30 (carbs).

Can anyone give me any little bit of insight? Sorry for whining. I needed to let that all out because I had been avoiding writing this because I didn't want to sound like the "why am I not losing weight" people on the main forums.



  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    To give you the short answer even though you have been eating more for 12 weeks you haven't been consistent at all during this time. Your body has no idea what you are doing to it. You are eating a different amount every week and not just a 50 calorie difference. For this to work you have to pick a number and stick with it for 6-8 weeks.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hi there, I put your number into the scooby calculator and got different numbers for you. I put you in for moderate exercise and a 15% cut.

    Your TDEE is 2417 and your cut is 2055.

    Also you said that you have "experimented with every number under the sun". That stands out to me because you haven't been consistent which means your body hasn't had a chance to adapt. You need to eat your cut and stick to that number for at least 6 weeks.
  • Gerry_Lane
    Gerry_Lane Posts: 27
    You have not talked about "what" you eat....which is critical.....I would guess that you should investigate that next

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I saw a fitness/nutrition consultant about a month ago and had a DEXA scan done to check BF%... in the process, I received a nutritional analysis and some various materials and information. Here are some key pieces of info that may be of use to you:

    Healthy BF% for women under 40 is 20-35%
    Fitness BF% for women under 40 is 16-28%
    It's not healthy to have more than a 400 calorie deficit

    Nevermind BMI for a minute; you already have a BF% that is associated with increased health and fitness levels. You have very little weight to lose so you should aim to get it off very slowly.

    I definitely agree you need to be more consistent and trust the math. A week or two of anything isn't enough to test. In the meantime, try not to get frustrated - I bet you look pretty awesome as you are!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    What about your water consumption? I have been consistently losing weight for a month straight, but last week, I didn't drink enough water and the scale would not budge! Then I realized what I was doing and two days ago I upped my water consumption and in two days I lost 1.2 lbs. You need extra water to help you lose weight!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Hi there, I put your number into the scooby calculator and got different numbers for you. I put you in for moderate exercise and a 15% cut.

    Your TDEE is 2417 and your cut is 2055.

    Also you said that you have "experimented with every number under the sun". That stands out to me because you haven't been consistent which means your body hasn't had a chance to adapt. You need to eat your cut and stick to that number for at least 6 weeks.

    ^^This^^ I think you are likely still not eating enough. I'd encourage you to go right to TDEE at 2417 and eat that every day (even if scale and measurements go up a bit) for at least 4-8 weeks. Then do your cut at 2055. If your calorie burn for the day drops your net below your BMR, make sure you eat more that day to get over BMR.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Agree with the others, not consistent enough. If you had said you had been eating 15-20% under TDEE every single day for 3 months - then different story. But eating here, there and everywhere makes your body say- what are you doing?

    Also, what are you eating? Have you been keeping your macros in check? Sodium in check? Getting enough protein, not overdoing it on fat and carbs?

    I'm unable to view your diary since it's not open, but those are key questions. I'm sorry you are discouraged and that you spent 3 months trying to figure things out, but maybe go back to the basics. Figure your tdee, cut 15% and eat that every single day keeping macros in mind.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I know its frustrating. We all do. We want the weight off and to get on with our lives, but sometimes it is not that simple.
    I agree with the others. You need to be consistent in your eating. You cannot jump up and down in cals over that period of time. Your body has no idea what you are doing, whether you are binging or starving. You MUST stick to one number and eat that consistently.
    Like many of us, I would suggest you come join us in the TDEE challenge stickied at the top. Give your body a chance to stabilize at TDEE, and then make your cut to 15% and see what happens.
    Someone else touched on it, but since you are already withing the "healthy" range, you may find it is going to be longer and harder to get those last few pounds off. Slow and steady. Give yourself the chance to "heal" for a few weeks and then try again.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    maybe staying at ONE calorie goal will help. jumping all over the place won't tell you which technique is or isn't working... stinks though, you sound similar to me in terms of exercise and everything...

    I'd do your TDEE-15% for at least a month, maybe two (keeping your exercise the same or if anything adding more strength and doing less cardio) before getting depressed over it.

    I'd also look at WHAT you're eating? I'm not saying you can't lose weight eating "junk" but it certainly helped me to cut out processed foods & whatnot. I didn't see if your diary was open so this may be irrelevant to you :)

    Things like sodium and extra carbs lead to bloating, so water weight could be masking some progress. Some people dont realize the sheer volume of water that most people are carrying around! That's why (although it's obviously unhealthy) you could lose 10lbs in one weekend, if you dehydrated yourself.

    going slow STINKS and takes a lot of mental hardiness (is that even a saying? lol) but it will be worth it in the end when the weight is off FOR GOOD. Sometimes I have to think of this way- I've been chubby my whole life, what's the rush getting rid of it TODAY? Or even, THIS SUMMER? I've looked worse in a bikini before and I didn't die, I think I'll make it through :)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I swear you sound just like me with the switching numbers each week....I have went from 1400 calories per day up to now 2000/day in only a month and wondering why I am NOT losing....I finally decided to do a Metabolism Reset...I am going to trust this process and eat at TDEE for at least 6-8 wks consistently and then cut to -15% which is 1725/day...My body is so confused that it doesn't know if I am going to eat enough on each given day....I am very inconsistent - Even with my exercise...Consistency is KEY and Patience as well - Which I have none of....It's time for me to trust that I NEED to be consistent and have plenty of patience...I have a lot more to lose than you but I know if you follow these 2 things you will lose those 15lbs in no time!! Best of luck to you!! :)