Any Ectomorphs out there?

blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
Just wondered if there was any ectomorphs in this group besides me?

I always thought I was more of a pear-shape until a friend of mine (who's a CPT) took my measurements and declared that I was not a pear but rather a banana, lol. Explains why I don't have much of a waist.

I have a love/hate relationship with my body type. Love it because I have a propensity for leanness but hate it because it's soooo hard to build muscle especially on my upper body. But you've got to work with what you have, right?


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I feel ya. I am having a hard time building muscle and don't have much of a waiste (you can see some pics on my profile). I am doing stronglifts now, and no cardio and eating more, but seem to just be getting more fat around the middle.
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    Full-blown ectomorph over here trying to gain weight. I don't have any curves and my waist looks a lot like the OPs. I also believe I'm banana shaped. It's very hard for me to put on any kind of weight whether it's fat or muscle. I'm doing a muscle hypertrophy program and I've gotten some nice results but I'm still struggling to get weight on and keep it on. I avoid cardio as much as possible too and this week I'm eating around 2700 because I only have 3 pounds left to gain.