Setting an Example...

I have a few people in my life that said that they wanted to start living in a healthy way.. with me.. since I had surgery. They said I was an inspiration to them.. but many aren't doing a thing.. I am having a hard time watching people eat poorly and make bad health decisions but I DO NOT want to be preachy/lecture etc.

How do I get my boyfriend to start eating healthy?! He has the worst diet.

How do I stop talking about my surgery?! Its all I talk about..

How do I help my friend get healthy without being pushy or preachy?

Any advice?


  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Find other WLS peeps to talk about it with, either online here or obesity help, or at support groups. You'll lose friends if you obsess with them. Just lead by example without preaching. They will see how healthy you are getting and if they want to follow suit, they will.

    Not sure about the boyfriend. Mine needs to lose weight, too, but he has to be ready to make the changes he needs to be healthier. I do bring it up occasionally, usually along the lines that I need him in my life forever and for that to happen he needs to be healthier.
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    I don't think you can really help change anyone until they are ready. If they ask for help then try your best to help them but if they don't stay with it then it's not your fault. One of my mottoes to help with that type of stress is "don't worry about things over which I have you have no control."

    As far as talking about surgery, I think that the novelty will wear off eventually I found that I am talking less and less about it at work and home. I am in a mandated 12 week program at the hospital where we meet for 3 hours every Tuesday afternoon and exercise and talk about things that affect us so that gives my my dose of help and support for the week. ( we are all post gastric bypass patients and the group is constantly changing because people are always starting there twelve weeks or ending it).
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :bigsmile: I think as soon as you do stop talking about it you are going to mess up! :) (so keep talking)

    As for the family just dont "judge" them let them get on with it but as you cook new meals add the slight healthier bits in slowly and they just dont notice!! lol
    and after a while they are eating not too bad! still let them have there chips/fries but only once and a while just not every night! :wink:
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I don't talk about my surgery as much to family and friends as I did in the beginning. I use MFP and obesityhelp to talk with others about the surgery, the struggles and the victories, but I will talk about it to family and friends if they ask.
    I think once the newness wears off family and friends don't ask about it so much and I know what I need to do now so I just do it. I don't talk about it all the time.
    As for trying to get family members and friends to get healthly without being preachy, lead by example by sticking to your plan and they will see the results. They will see that you are drinking your water, making good food choices and exercising. You can invite them to do things with you that don't focus around food. For example instead of going to lunch with a friend, ask her to join you for a walk around the park. You can catch up while you walk. Not that you can't go out to lunch, because you most certainly can. If you do, just be sure to order something that fits your plan, eat what you need and get a to go box for the leftovers (I find the I can usually get 3 to 4 meals out of one meal out. I eat at the restaurant and that eat off the food 2-3 more times at home. What a bargain!).
    Best of luck to you with your journey!