Fasting on and off?

danikiz Posts: 12 Member

I was wondering if anyone had done a partial fast cycling through eating one day and then not eating.
I was thinking of doing that for a week to see if it would jolt my body back into losing weight.

I do not hold a fondness for fasting, so clear liquids and maybe vegetables will be added in.
I'd probably be looking at 100-200 calories one day and then 1000 or less on the normal days.

Has anyone done anything like this or thought about it? I thought it might be similar to the 500 calories one day and then 1500 the next kind of thing?

Thanks for any advice,


  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    It's called intermittent fasting and it works. World champion hotdog eaters do it and some bodybuilders do it. Look up the female hotdog champ Sonya Thomason. She's only 100 pounds. Go to to check out a bodybuilder who does it and see pictures of some of his clients that also do it.
  • cheetosandburritos
    cheetosandburritos Posts: 93 Member
    I do the 500 calorie/1500 calorie cycling quite often. On my lower calorie days I also do a 18 hour fast, not eating my 500 until later in the day. It does help jolt your body back into losing weight.
  • danikiz
    danikiz Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks so much guys! I'm going to start fasting now and see if I can do the whole day tomorrow.

    Question: do you allow yourself weakness foods? For instance, baby carrots or liquids if you're feeling weak? I figure you'd drink water, but I'm talking tea or watery smoothies?
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    There's more then one way to do it. You can follow leangain's guide on his website if you don't have a clue. He gives you his exact routine.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    The following webpage briefly describes the most common forms of intermittent fasting:

    I have been doing one 36 hour fast per week for the past four weeks or so and today I am trying an "eat stop eat" (24 hour fast). I have heard it can be successful for breaking a plateau. I have not had a plateau so far since I started in March (touch wood) and the reason I decided to try it is because I was starting to feel a little restricted with my daily calorie goal. Doing this allows me to eat a little more on my eating days. I set my calorie goal higher on my eating days but over a seven day period I am still only netting an average of a little over 1000 calories a day.

    When I am fasting I only consume water, coffee and tea although I can't tolerate tea without a tiny bit of sugar so I am consuming about 24 sugar calories ( one and a half spoonfuls of sugar for three cups of tea) during my fasting window. I doubt that is enough to mess up my fast -- lol. I do not eat any solid food during my fasting window.

    As HNNstyle said there is more than one way to do intermittent fasting. Give it a try and see what works for you. Good luck and let us know how it goes. :smile:
  • Sksieger
    Sksieger Posts: 63
    I will try this out! I have hit a kinda of plateau. :)
  • reaching4myUGW
    reaching4myUGW Posts: 14 Member
    The following webpage briefly describes the most common forms of intermittent fasting:

    I have been doing one 36 hour fast per week for the past four weeks or so and today I am trying an "eat stop eat" (24 hour fast). I have heard it can be successful for breaking a plateau. I have not had a plateau so far since I started in March (touch wood) and the reason I decided to try it is because I was starting to feel a little restricted with my daily calorie goal. Doing this allows me to eat a little more on my eating days. I set my calorie goal higher on my eating days but over a seven day period I am still only netting an average of a little over 1000 calories a day.

    When I am fasting I only consume water, coffee and tea although I can't tolerate tea without a tiny bit of sugar so I am consuming about 24 sugar calories ( one and a half spoonfuls of sugar for three cups of tea) during my fasting window. I doubt that is enough to mess up my fast -- lol. I do not eat any solid food during my fasting window.

    As HNNstyle said there is more than one way to do intermittent fasting. Give it a try and see what works for you. Good luck and let us know how it goes. :smile:

    How much have you lost in just the last 4 weeks by IF? Just curious :)
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    How much have you lost in just the last 4 weeks by IF? Just curious :)

    I was 142 lbs. on May 1st and did my first fasting day on the 4th so a six lb. lost in the past 31 days for an average of 1.35 lbs. a week. This is pretty much unchanged from the rate I was losing before (maybe just a squeak better than the previous month). I haven't altered my average calories per week since starting IF, just redistributed them so I am eating a bit more on my non-fasting days.
  • reaching4myUGW
    reaching4myUGW Posts: 14 Member
    That's great! I'm a fan of fasting, but I will do a few days at a time once a month. It takes a lot of motivation for me to fast like that, but one day a week seems doable. And I have heard a lot of good things about IF. Thanks for sharing!