For those feeling discouraged about this process....

twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
It seems there have been a lot of posts recently about people feeling discouraged about weight gain, etc....

I've been doing EM2WL now for 11 weeks. Most of you already know my story so I won't go into details unless someone asks.

BUT here's what I really wanted to say.

A week and a half ago, I experienced 3 days of extreme fatigue which is very unusual for me. I had just gotten back from vacation and jumped right back into my workout routine and increased my calories from 1900 to 2000. It knocked me on my butt and I found myself slacking. I took a break from working out and ate like crap for 2 straight days.

I ended up gaining back 4 pounds.

This week, I jumped back into the game again with both feet, even more determined. Increased my calories AGAIN to 2100 (based on the average TDEE that I'm getting from my BMF).

Guess what? I've already lost that 4 pounds....since Sunday (when I increased my calories). And I'm trending downward once again.

So yeah I increased my calories again this week and LOST WEIGHT. The minute I slacked off, cut my calories and ate like crap, I gained weight.

I know everyone's different and everyone's body will react differently but I wanted to share my experience, esp for those of you who are in panic mode right now.

You just have to have faith that this process will work for you. I know it's scary, I know it's overwhelming but just tell yourself that you can do this because you can.

This process is a long haul but you are definitely worth it!! Hang in there!!


  • stacie48
    stacie48 Posts: 63 Member
    Wow...that is terrific. I love your determination. We can do this. Can't wait to get back home and get back to balance again.
  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    You just have to have faith that this process will work for you. I know it's scary, I know it's overwhelming but just tell yourself that you can do this because you can.

    This process is a long haul but you are definitely worth it!! Hang in there!!

    HEY! Thanks so much for your post! This comes at a perfect time for me as I increased my cals from 1200, then to 1500, now I am at 1900, and I feel like I am gaining a bit, yet, I feel a lot better. I look forward to seeing your updates!
  • TikiTanya
    TikiTanya Posts: 17 Member
    So needed this post. I also ate like crap for a few days and am feeling defeated. Was thinking maybe raising my cals wasnt the thing for me. But reading this helps so much. I know what is right, i just lose focus and need to be reassured by people like you. Keep up the fight !
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Nice post !! I'm one of those who are discouraged even tough I'm in my 5th week and haven't lost anything. But, as I always remember, I've been eating 2000 calories for 5 weeks and haven't gain anything too !! So I continue and hope this weight will get off my body soon :)
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks so much! I bumped my calories to 1900 6 weeks ago and I have stayed about the same. Maybe a pound or two up. I have been contemplating doing an entire reset and eat at my TDEE without a cut. I wore my BMF for a week and found out that my average TDEE was 2743 on workout days and 2300 on non workout days. I am now estimating that I should really be eating around 2100 calories a day. I just bumped myself to 2100 yesterday. All I have to say is that is takes patience! I can't wait to see when I finally start loosing. It has got to happen soon.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    thanks for this post:) I am two days in this journey. so this is really encouraging
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Nice post !! I'm one of those who are discouraged even tough I'm in my 5th week and haven't lost anything. But, as I always remember, I've been eating 2000 calories for 5 weeks and haven't gain anything too !! So I continue and hope this weight will get off my body soon :)

    The fact that you've been eating 2000 calories for 5 weeks and haven't gained any weight speaks volumes!!!! Your body is very happy!!!!!

    Hang in'll work for you!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Cant say enough about how the scale can lie week to week.

    For me I gained .8lbs last week.

    However I lost 1.75" overall.

    Ill take that any day :)
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    I soooo needed that!!!!! I slacked off a little eating crap at times.. a little vacay away from work. still worked out but not as hard..PLUS it was hat TOM..ughhh no cramps like normal that was a blessing but I think I am still suffering from water weight. since its only been a day that I have been off of the dreaded TOM. so I jumped back on the bandwagon yesterday. And am ready to conquer all..

    Thanks a lot. My brian wanted to reduced calories again. BUT NOPE I am in it to win it..
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I think it can be different for everyone. I was hardly losing anything for 3 or 4 weeks but finally increased my calories by 100 more a day and lost 1.2 pounds in less than a week. Gonna stay put with my calories number for a few weeks then I'm gonna up it again lol

    Love this site. My suggestion is everyone needs to test out different things to see what works for them. What works for me might not work for you so I would say experiment. :}
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I needed this too! Thanks! I am having a hard time finding my perfect sweet spot for weight loss because of breast feeding and an inconsistent work out schedule. I have already reaped benefits of eating more than 1200 a day in volumes. A lot more energy, milk supply WAY better, work outs are a good pain instead of an awful one and my attitude is much better. I have also had a loss since my plateau. I get discouraged when I talk to other people about what I am doing and they have been in a plateau for weeks and do not believe in the process. I know it works, it's just grueling to trust and wait in the beginning. I only have 13 more pounds to go to get to goal and I understand from other people this is the hardest.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks so much for this post! I'm with a group of MFPers who just this week started eating our full TDEE to do an 8-week metabolism reset. Hearing of your success and the person who hasn't gained anything eating 2000 cals a day is very encouraging to me. Especially during this early and terrifying time!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I have also been eating 2000 cals for the past six weeks and have not gained a thing, but also not lost anything either....My body does look different (as in better!) due to lifting weights 3x a week for the past three months.

    I am taking the week off from lifting (cause I'm lazy and want to see if it makes a difference) and will only do cardio...And then I shall see what happens next week....
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    I echo what OP and many others have said, that this process takes patience. It was not until I upped my calories to 2000, which is only 90 calories under my TDEE that I noticed scale loss. I only have a few pounds to lose so this makes sense- to have a small deficit with eating and use exercise to create a slightly larger one.

    I find the progress goes in waves. I notice a change, and see the drop in inches and get excited and then, a few weeks later, I feel a sort of panic, like, " oh no..maybe it's not working anymore?" and then, I keep going, keep eating lots of great healthy foods and moderate exercise, and I wake up in the morning and think, " something happened again..I am looking leaner" then I measure or try on an old dress and BAM! I KNOW my body is shrinking!! But the scale loss is MINOR.

    If I had just focused on the scale I may have missed my progress. I am so happy to have found support from my MFP and this group that reminds me of the importance of the NON SCALE VICTORIES!

    Eating an awesome amount of food and exercising in a very do-able way ( 2-3 rest days a week here!) I am feeling like I have found such a healthy way of life.
    The strength training has made such a difference too- in the firmness and shape of my body, which is so important for us post- 40 year old babes!

    Work past the discouragement, as OP said. This stuff works. No need for deprivation and killing yourself with tons of workouts.
    Eat smart, move your body and feel amazing....focus on all the accomplishments ( improved mood, less binge eating, clearer skin and better sleep, decreased inches and increased energy)

    I believe we will all get there if we stay the course. thanks for the inspiration Twinmomtwice. You are an awesome friend.

  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I think it can be different for everyone. I was hardly losing anything for 3 or 4 weeks but finally increased my calories by 100 more a day and lost 1.2 pounds in less than a week. Gonna stay put with my calories number for a few weeks then I'm gonna up it again lol

    Love this site. My suggestion is everyone needs to test out different things to see what works for them. What works for me might not work for you so I would say experiment. :}

    YES!!! I love what you said!! That's the main have to find what works for you specifically. Just don't give up...don't get discouraged...just tweak what you're doing and keep plugging ahead!!

    Once you find that perfect balance, you'll be glad you stuck with it!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I echo what OP and many others have said, that this process takes patience. It was not until I upped my calories to 2000, which is only 90 calories under my TDEE that I noticed scale loss. I only have a few pounds to lose so this makes sense- to have a small deficit with eating and use exercise to create a slightly larger one.

    I find the progress goes in waves. I notice a change, and see the drop in inches and get excited and then, a few weeks later, I feel a sort of panic, like, " oh no..maybe it's not working anymore?" and then, I keep going, keep eating lots of great healthy foods and moderate exercise, and I wake up in the morning and think, " something happened again..I am looking leaner" then I measure or try on an old dress and BAM! I KNOW my body is shrinking!! But the scale loss is MINOR.

    If I had just focused on the scale I may have missed my progress. I am so happy to have found support from my MFP and this group that reminds me of the importance of the NON SCALE VICTORIES!

    Eating an awesome amount of food and exercising in a very do-able way ( 2-3 rest days a week here!) I am feeling like I have found such a healthy way of life.
    The strength training has made such a difference too- in the firmness and shape of my body, which is so important for us post- 40 year old babes!

    Work past the discouragement, as OP said. This stuff works. No need for deprivation and killing yourself with tons of workouts.
    Eat smart, move your body and feel amazing....focus on all the accomplishments ( improved mood, less binge eating, clearer skin and better sleep, decreased inches and increased energy)

    I believe we will all get there if we stay the course. thanks for the inspiration Twinmomtwice. You are an awesome friend.


    Congratulations, Andrea!! You're doing so well!!

    I ditto what you said about the NSV's being huge!!! A few weeks ago, our swimming season began and I was so afraid to get into a bathing suit because I'm 10 pounds heavier right now than I was last summer but you know what....all my bathing suits are too loose!!!! I was shocked! So obviously all the strength training and eating massive calories is paying off in inches lost!