Am I supposed to be this hungry? :)

navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
Hi! I just wanted to post something. Before when I was eating 1200-1400 calories a day, I was never hungry, but have been at a stand still on weight for weeks. I actually posted asking for help on this subject last week ( I think). I do TurboFire and Insanity workouts al long with weight training and running. So I am very active, but a nobody knows it by the chunk around my belly> i also felt sluggish constantly.
Now that I have bumped up my calories (slowly, still nervous) to 1700 (my bmr is 1540 and my TEDEE is 2000 a happy medium I think), I actually feel constantly hungry and somewhat energized and I am in a happier mood. I try to eat most of my exercise calories back, but try to tay under 2000 cal overall. I don't weigh myself but once a month because I am one that obsesses over every ounce, but I do feel more lifted.

I am supposed to be hungry, right? I did start eating every couple of hours, so I am satisfied.


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    This is absolutely are coming form a VLCD, and your body is like ZOMG food! GIMME MORE!. :)

    Joking aside, when I started this i was ravenous for the first week. I bumped mine from 1200 to 3200. How could I be hungry after eating 2k more calories a day!

    It subsided for me after about a week or so.
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Yes !!

    Since you feed your body with more food, it's like a starting boost. Your body is like "hey, I get more food now, but I was used to eat so low, mmmm bring me more !" because it doesn't want to go back in starving again. It's really normal to feel hungry in the first days.

    When your body will be used to be fed regularly and enough, this hunger will calm down and you'll feel normal hunger through out the day :)
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    each persons body effects you differently. for me eating between 1,000 calories- 100 calories I was always hungry. now that I am 2 days in eating my calories and more on the food I am actually not feeling hungry. its okay to be hungry your body is adjusting to the changes as long as you don't completely pig out and go way over you should be fine

    you can try upping your calories and recaluating your calories since your very active in exersizing. you may need ot bump up your calories.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks for the quick relies! Wow that is awesome. I was just checking, I am logging my food so I can visually make sure I don't go overboard. I just haven't had this feeling before. lol I was almost starting to panic. :) I love group! and I haven't been here all that long!
  • nutritionwhiz
    nutritionwhiz Posts: 221
    I was extra hungry in the beginning although I didn't do VLCD for long. Has definitely leveled out.

    I also think it's important to keep in mind that part of this process is learning to ***eat when we are hungry and stopping when we are full**. Not eating just because it's there, or I'm bored, or I feel I should because someone offered, or it will make people feel bad if I don't order dessert also, or the myriad of reasons that we eat when we are not actually hungry. THIS type of eating is what makes us eat too much. NOT the eating that happens when we learn to listen to our body cues.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Everyone is different as to WHEN they feel that hunger, but as far as I can tell, everyone does feel it. I personally did not even start getting that hungry feel until several weeks in where as a friend of mine was hungry within a day of eating more! I just felt sluggish, and over-full for weeks. Recently I just upped my calories for a metabolism reset and it amazes me that I can now eat that much when before even 1500 made me want to hurl. I had to force the food in, learn to eat differently and gradually my body got used to it until it started actually demanding it.

    The hunger is matter when it shows up. :happy: The reason you didn't feel hungry before was because your body knew it wasn't going to get any more food so it started it nows you're gonna feed it.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    I guess I am like most women, we are raised the more food you put in your mouth the more you will weigh. But I am starting to be more open minded about adding more calories since I am working out more than I used to. I just miss that 21 year old metabolism where I thought about working out and I lost weight lol