Okay, this is my update/rant...

knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
Okay, just to warn everyone about to read this post...it will probably be a little lengthy, since I don't want to leave anything out that might be pertinent to my situation and might help anyone that may have insight...

So, here is my backround:

Started MFP in January--I have been a religious food/exercise logger since day one. Started out where MFP put me with cals and my weight loss goals, which was 1200 calories (surprise, surprise!). Ate those cals and began exercising again (light to moderate, depending on the day). In early April, I joined the EM2WL group and slowly began upping my calories by 100-150 every week or so. I got to my cut value on May 2nd (1770 based on the Scooby site's recommendation for light exercise-1 to 3 hours a week). At that point, I told myself that I would go 4 weeks and re-evaluate from there.

So, here I am at my 4 week mark. I feel great! Love eating my cut everyday, and continue to log all my food and exercise as accurately as I can using MFP. My clothes are fitting so much better, and I'm allllmost into the smallest pants size I own (an 8). I stepped on the scale, and saw that I had gained .4 of a pound. I'm not too bent out of shape about this, because I've read all the sticky's, yadda yadda yadda. I've also lost almost 1/2 inch on my waist, with no loss on my hips (I think, because I really suck at measuring in the same spot--I shoot for the top of my belly button, soooo that one had to be pretty accurate, right?). Not bad for upping my calories for 4 weeks :happy:

I am pretty sure that my activity level is accurate based on the Scooby site, seeing that I really don't work out more than 5-6 times a week for about 30 minutes at a time. When I do exercise for a longer period, it is usually something that doesn't burn a lot of cals (yoga). In any given week, I usually do 1-2 days cardio (HIIT on the elliptical for 25-30 minutes), 1-2 days yoga (anywhere from 30-80 minutes depending on what I feel like doing), and 2-3 days "circut training" (either JM Ripped in 30 or a kettlebell circut that I got when I purchased my first kettlebell). My burns are by no means "high" burns according to my HRM--generally I'll burn 100-150 cals doing yoga, 200-250 cals doing my cardio, and 150-200 cals doing my circut training. Haven't started lifting heavy yet, but am hoping to get into it sometime in the near future. I have no interest in joining a gym, so I'm going to piece together the things I need over the next couple of months so I can start NROLFW or get a Cathe DVD or something along those lines.

So, with ALL that said, I guess I'm just looking to get feedback or suggestions from some of the more "seasoned vets" out there as to where I should go from here. Should I continue my current "path" for another 2-4 weeks? Should I look at doing a "metabolism reset" for 4-6 weeks? Not really sure. Like I said before, based on the amount of exercise I'm currently doing, I don't think I have to recalculate my TDEE at a higher activity level, since I very rarely (if ever) drop below my BMR after factoring in my exercise cals.

Oh, and here are my stats from the Scooby website:
Weight: 160.9 (currently 161.3)
Goal Weight: 145
Height 5'5"
Age: 29 (I'll be 30 in a week)

BMR: 1517
TDEE: 2086
CUT (TDEE-15%): 1773

And a little more backround about my lifestyle, in case anyone is wondering:
I work a full time desk job Monday through Friday...
I am a mom to an almost 2 year old girl and an almost 4 year old boy--they keep me on my toes! We occationally play outside after dinner on weeknights, sometimes walk up to the neighborhood park on the weekends...
Other than that, I pretty much do usual stuff--grocery shop, clean house (only when I have too, like if company is coming over, LOL! :laugh: ). No dogs to walk, long bike rides or daily walks. I pretty much work, take care of my kids (with the hubby, of course!), have my planned exercise and rest days, and outside of that, I like to relax (aka be lazy) as much as I can (which really isn't much when it comes down to it!:yawn: )...

And one last thing I'd like to clear up, just in case anyone is wondering--I am in no way doubting this process, and I know that everyone's body reacts differently to the process, but I told myself I would re-evaluate after 4 weeks to see what my next step (if any) should be. I don't want my body to get confused and think that my cut value is my TDEE, but at the same time, am not sure if I need to go the full "metabolic reset" path just yet, since I am only 4 weeks in...just looking for some feedback and thoughts from others, I guess! Oh, and it felt really nice to be able to write everything down and see it laid out nice and organized instead of it just rambling around in my noggin!!! :tongue:



  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm less a vet than you but I would just keep at it. It sounds like you are adding LBM and dropping fat. I would think the weight will start dropping. I had the same thing happen to me during week 2 and I ended up losing weight by week 3. I did not do a reset and I don't believe I will until I stop seeing movement on the scale and measurements.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi there, .4lbs up and inches lost congratulations.

    Well, I would say, since you are not ready for a reset, then stay the course for 2 more weeks. If you remain the same, really think about doing the reset especially if you haven't had a diet break for a long time. Yes, you can keep bumping up, but why not allow your body to adjust to goal TDEE for the 8wks and then do a small cut to lose. Also, if you add weights in with the increased calories you will hopefully build a little lean muscle with the additional caloreis so you will in turn burn up more fat! Really, for us women, we think it is about the scale and it really isn't. We want to be slim, toned, and have less adipose tissue on our bums, legs, and back....I know I do. TDEE, heavy lifting, with some good HIIT training will burn up the fat that will make you "smaller" looking but not necessarily lighter on the scale. BUT WHO CARES...lol.
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for chiming in, Lucia! I was hoping you or Kiki would see my post and give me your expert opinion! :blushing:

    Don't get me wrong--I'm ready to jump into a "reset" right now, but I honestly don't know if it would be for the full suggested 8 weeks at this point in time...:huh:

    I think I might just stay where I am for two more weeks, see what happens, and then maybe jump into a reset then. I've got a vacation coming up the week after the 4th of July, so I guess if I'm in the middle of my "reset" then, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, LOL! :bigsmile: