Help! What can I eat?

sf051 Posts: 13 Member

I live in Scotland, I'm 26 years old, relatively new to MFP and have 40lbs to lose! MFP has given me 1400 net cals a day and I'm managing to eat about 1200. The problem is I'm really into exercise at the moment and burning about 600cals a day; leaving me 800cals short of what I should be eating. I eat breakfast (weetabix), lunch (soup), dinner (salads, stir-frys, curries, etc) and snack on yoghurts, fruit and the occasional cereal bar. I need to eat more, but I'm struggling to think of options which are easy, accessible and not to bad-carb heavy! Any suggestions folks?



  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    My diary is open, so feel free to check out what's on my menu. It sounds like you are eating way too few calories for your activity level though. What is your TDEE, BMR?

    I eat any of the following:
    Greek yogurt
    Nuts/Trail Mix
    Avocado + Vegetable
    Hummus + Vegetable
    Beef Jerky
    Protein Shake
    Pumpkin or Banana Nut Protein Muffins
    Boiled egg
    String cheese