Mixed Results

missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
Here it is, the end of the 30 days of our challenge. To say I'm disappointed in gaining 4.2 lbs is going to sound worse than it really is. Who knows why my body decides to add weight like it does, or lose it. I can't figure it out. What I do know is I seem to take 2 steps forward, 1 step back rinse and repeat. It's been that way all along this path of slow weight loss. I am growing to accept this pattern as there's nothing else I can do but accept it. Except maybe get my booty to the weight lifting gym. I'm getting awfully close to that idea...

So, gaining weight in a month that I'd hope to have lost is a drag. BUT, what isn't a drag is the fact that even though I gained, I still had really good blood sugar readings. So good that my Doctor has taken me off my diabetes medication officially. That's after 8 years of being on it.

Mixed results for sure. The good thing is, I'm not giving up. I'm not letting a gain dissuade me from what I think is right for me. I'm going to keep trying and eventually get the other 50 lbs off to get to goal.


  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    The fact that you are off of your meds in more of a victory than weigh tloss to me!! That's WONDERFUL! Did you take measurements by chance? The scale is such a poor indicator of general health. You should challenge yourself to another 30 days of measurements only. I know I'd be in if you decided to do a group challenge! :)
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm kinda in the same boat :(

    I have lost some weight then "sit" on a number for 1-2 weeks and then drop weight. I dont get the reasons behind the whys of this! Its frustrating to not lose for 2 whole weeks then BAM 4 pounds gone! I honestly think I have a medabolic issue and am looking into a doctor that is more willing to send me to someone with answers. I feel WAY better on the Keto diet and know this is for me but would really like to know why some people hold more weight then others!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks girls, I appreciate your thoughts, very much.

    I think your idea of doing a 'measurements challenge' is a great one. Instead of starting a whole new group, I'll just add a topic here inside this group. That way we are still close to all the posts people have done over the past month. It'll take me a little while to get a spreadsheet together...I'll post a link when I do.

    What measurements would you find handy to have in the spreadsheet?
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    We could do "Overall Inches" each week if you think it would be easier in the spreadsheet. And then in the forum we can elaborate on where we saw the most reduction.

    I think advising everyone to measure arms (each one), chest, abdomen, natural waist, hips, neck, thighs (both), knees (both), calves (both), wrists (both), forearm (both).
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    How about we do measurements today, or the within the next few days, then again on the 30th of June. I kind of like just doing the two sets as weekly changes are usually so minimal, but a month might show some change.

    I plan on getting my walking shoes back on and hitting the sidewalk. I've been home for almost 2 weeks and have only done gardening and think that I'm gaining cuz I'm not moving like I was. I am determined to change that for the better!

    I'll start a topic where we can do it. Please join in if you're interested.

    Thanks friends!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I have been looking for my tape for the last week :( Cant find it!

    I will say that even when the scale is not saying ive lost weight I know I HAVE! My pants are fitting better shirts are getting baggy etc... scale says nope not one ounce has been lost! I think measuring would help... now to continue my hunt for that tape!
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Hey all. I posted on the weigh in board too, but posting here too. I didn't weigh today (forgot), but will tomorrow. Not expecting a loss really, due to this month's lack of exercise and travel.

    Wasn't able to really get into keto for a long period, but I'm interested in keeping it up and really try to get there.

    I'll look for the other board, too. Measurements are useful (though usually I just track unilaterally, as that's what the protocol is in the gym). Let's do this!