Ok - I gained

tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
For the first time since increasing my cals over a month ago. The new part is I dropped doing 2x week Body Pump classes and am doing the NROL4W workouts 3x week instead. I am hoping that is what it is - even though I'm not sore at all! Yay!

But it wasn't much of a gain - so I immediately was ticked - but went and put on some of my khaki pants for work in a smaller size to make me feel better. They fit the same as last week so I didn't freak out. :)

Hanging in there at 1600 cals + exercise cals for now. I just increased it last week so with that and the change in my workouts - I'm sure I'll start losing again in no time.



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    With the new workout you may be gaining muscle mass. Watch your measurements and clothes:flowerforyou: That is the true indicator:smile:

  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you Lucia. I am pretty sure that is what happened because so far with all the increases in cals (from 1200 to 1600) - this is the first gain I have had. :) So I'm putting on the clothes that are a "bit snug" and using that as my indicator. I did my C25K workout today and will be doing another NROL4W workout tomorrow so keeping up with everything and not looking back!

    Thank you for the encouragement! It really helps!
