New Rules of Lifting Book- Calorie Goals

sugarsquare Posts: 60 Member
Hello, first please forgive if this has already been asked I looked around and could not find the answer so I though I would ask here! I just got my New Rules of Lifting book and their nutrition section suggests eating lower on non-workout days vs. workout days. I have been just eating my cut of 1800 calories for about one month (after I did a reset at maintenance for 1 month) with no results. I am not too upset about that I have been playing with different workouts, I was sick etc. So I know this probably isn't the best to gauge whether something is working or not. I was just trying to see if everyone just picks a nice even number to use everyday or if anyone follows the New Rules method.


  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I have read where so many feel to hungry the day after a heavy lifting day to go down to a lower calorie number. I know I am not doing NROLFW but I am famished on the days after I lift. I believe this is partly why so many just find an average and eat that every day.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I eat more on workout days.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I was doing as the book suggested, but chose
    to do my TDEE,and have been consistent for the past couple of weeks.
  • sugarsquare
    sugarsquare Posts: 60 Member
    I am starving everyday LOL. I keep binging on crap at night because I get so hungry! I am thinking about upping back up to maintenance or trying the low/high cycling.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I am doing n.r.o.l.w. and c25k on alternating days. I used the calorie calculator in the book, and for my weight and b.m.I., I eat 2000 calories on run days, and 2300 on lifting days. On my day off I don't worry too much if I go over my calories. Im on my 3rd week, and it seems to be working for me.
  • sugarsquare
    sugarsquare Posts: 60 Member
    That is the calories the book said for me too. 2000 non lift days and 2300 lift days before the 300 cut. That seems kind of high but the book suggested that you do that for month before you decide to cut. I was also confused about what to do on non lift days that you do cardio. I just finished c25k and plan on running at least 2 times per week.