How do you eat this much? And am i doing this right?

so i am 34, 5'4, hovering around 137-140 pounds. From fitnessfrog (right?) my TDEE is 1900, cut rate is 1615. My BMR is 1385. Ideally, i'd really like to be about 120, as that was a much more comfortable place for me, tho i'm still sorting out how realistic that is, i guess. But right now i'm just trying to sort out what i'm supposed to be eating.

In tracking just how i eat normally for a week or so, i apparently am often under my BMR in the first place.... and not with the best choices. So this week my goal has been to try for 1500 calories a day (and never below 1380) since i just can't get to 1600 right now. i just added up all my calories for the day and am way under, even under my bmr, while i am still feeling pretty full from dinner. i'm now trying to remember if there is anything i didn't log, maybe, or if i am vastly overassuming my exercise calorie output.

i often have a very small breakfast (coffee and greek yogert), and then a pretty big lunch and med dinner, with a snack maybe in there, which doesn't seem to be enough. What do you eat in a general day? i am baffled as to how i can eat enough with healthy choices, which sounds really dumb,'s true.



  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    You're welcome to check out my diary, it's open. I eat every 2hrs, and I get up early to go to the gym, so I typically eat 7 times a day. My "snacks" are usually around the 200cal mark and my meals are around 400-600. If you feel like you can't actually "eat" that much, try high protein, higher cal smoothies and try adding things like olive oil, natural peanut butter, almonds, whole fat yogurts/cheeses etc. Imo, it's pretty easy for me to get up to my 2300-2500cals/day without ever feeling stuffed or eating crap:)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    My diary is open so feel free to check it out. I eat pretty clean and make most of my stuff at home!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Mine's open too and I eat a lot of clean stuff but also some junk. I don't have any problems eating over 2000/day lol...
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Feel free to look through mine! I do have some junky food in there but I am coming from eating pretty strict and clean for the past 3 years, almost two of that with no weight loss so I am letting myself indulge more! Eating perfect didn't help me lose anyway and I am working on loosening up a bit :wink:

    I make more of my food myself so if you have any questions let me know!