Girls around 5'5?



  • michellerosefit
    Hey!!! I am soo happy I found this group too!! I am 5'4 with like 10 pounds to loose. Feel free to "friend" me. I love the extra motivation! Question: is anyone using the fitbit too? I am training for a marathon right now but these last 10 pounds have been my comfort pounds that I can't seem to loose. I like going out with people and getting late night In N Out runs and drinks. Anyone else have that problem?
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I am 5"4" currently 130lbs I would like to be around 115lb eventually. Feel free to add me :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Well I'm 5'4" and 159 and want to lose 25. I don't look anything like you 2 tho! I still have fat to lose. I'm just starting NROL4W, actually that's my personal 2 week challenge - to start! I've been talking about it for a month and this week the talk is done!
  • rositsky
    rositsky Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'3" and about 134 right now. I'd really like to get down to 127, but would be OK with 130. I was doing Jenny Craig last year and lost weight easily, but am having trouble keeping it off. I just need the motivation to keep exercising and controlling my portions. Overall, I'm very healthy (ran a half marathon two years in a row) and I eat healthy food, but it's easy for me to eat as much as my husband does who is 6' tall. :) I'm thinking that keeping track of my food intake and talking to others in my situation will really help me stay on track.
  • naonish
    naonish Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5"5 and am currently 130. When I started on here I was 150, so I am feeling pretty damn good about myself right now. At my heaviest (about 8 years ago) I was 160.130 was my goal origionally but now I am just seeing if I can drop a few more and tone up. I have been working out everyday, if not going to the gym then doing a P90x work out, or walking, just doing something active. I am a waitress too so that helps! Feel free to add me if you need motivation or someone to talk to... I do somedays
  • momwantstorun
    Hello, I am 5'4" 147 lbs. goal weight is 130lbs. I have only been doing MFP for 10 weeks. Started at 152, its going slowly, but at least its in the right direction!! I have loved logging in my food and REALLY seeing what I am eating. I am totally new at this and would LOVE your advice as to what I can do to stay on track. I am so glad to find this group and look forward to learning from you all.

    My husband and I are exercising most every night - which I have really enjoyed. Its nice to have some time alone in the evenings, to talk about our day or life in general. I have read some of your posts and are totally encouraged by what you have accomplished. Please friend me and give a sista some help!!
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member

    I'm new here too. I have similar goals, but I think I might have more muscle as well. I'm hoping to get to around 125ish, but I might be pushing it since I'm muscular. Is it possible to be 125ish with muscle at 5'6"?

    Definitely possible. I'm fairly muscular at 5'6" and 117 with 18% body fat. I'm trying to gain lean mass and lower my body fat to 15%.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I always post this, but I think it is a great site:

    Enter your height and goal weight and see hundreds of pictures of real women at that height and weight, it shows you how much variation exists, and might help you to see if what you hope for is attainable.
  • mariemc91
    mariemc91 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello. I'm Marie and am about 5'6". My starting weight was 143 my current weight is 138 and my goal weight is 125. I'm new to this site and am loving it but could use the extra support. add me please
  • allibazzer
    allibazzer Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I am a 39 year old mother of two young boys. I am 5'6" currently 141.8 and my goal weight is 135. I can't remember ever being 135, maybe even since high school. I am pretty muscular, and putting on even a couple pounds seems to make me look very thick and bulky. Conversely, at 141, just 3 pounds from where I was about a month ago, people think I've lost a lot of weight. I can't exercise the way I used to due to SI joint problems, but I manage to train capoeira two days a week and jog 3 miles another 2-3 days a week. I love exercise and Iove to feel and look strong. For me the weight loss has to come from DIET. I have been an emotional , night time eater all my life.MFP has really been helping to get a handle on what I am eating and why.

    I would love some MFP friends! If my profile resonates in some way with you, friend me!
  • hattiendwoody
    Hey everyone :) I'm 5ft 4 and 138Ib, I'm not fat and most of my friends think i'm crazy going on a diet, but I just want to lose a bit of weight on my thighs and stomach, and also tone my whloe body up :) My goal is to eventually be 8 stone :) Feel free to add me, also I have my own horse, so any horse riders add me :) x
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    Hello everyone. I am now 5' 5.5" down from 5'7" due to degenerative joint disease, so I need to lose the weight that has crept up in the past ten years. I am currently 143, down from starting with MFP at 154, and my goal is 140, though I would like to get down to 135 if I can. I have pre-diabetes that I have kept under control for 10 years without having to go on meds, so I'm losing some weight and exercising more to try to keep it at bay as I age. So far so good, though the weight loss has slowed considerably in the last few weeks.
  • caramellattekiss
    caramellattekiss Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all. I'm new to MFP (this is actually my first post!).
    I'm 5'4, with a SW of 132, and a GW of 126 (to start with. Depending how I feel when I get there, I might aim for 120 after that). I know it doesn't look like a massive amount, but I'm at my heaviest ever at the moment, thanks to lifestyle changes since graduating, and to be frank, I can't afford to rebuy my entire wardrobe now most of it is a bit snug!
    The decision to slim back to my old size has given me a boot up the *kitten* to actually tone up too, something I've always said I'd like to do, but never made the effort before.
    This isn't a diet. This is the beginning or a healthier, fitter life.
  • angelbaby505
    Hello every one! I'm so glad I found this group also!! I'm 21, about 5"5' and everyone says I don't need to loose weight. AHHHHH how that can be so annoying as I'm just REALLY good at hiding my love handles. You wouldn't believe I needed to loose weight until you see me in a two piece bikini. Just because I'm skinnier than all of my family does not mean I'm "too skinny already". OK sorry for the rant I'm just happy to have found you all!!!!! :)

    Request me as a friend so we can keep eachother motivated! Best wishes and good luck to everyone!
  • Boolahboo
    Boolahboo Posts: 97 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'5" and 28 yrs old. As of this morning I'm 146 and would really like to get down to 130 and tone up!! So glad i found this group, it's nice to have people with similar goals!
  • livetothebeatYOLO
    Hey everyone!!!

    I'm Cristina, 5"5ish 155ish (haha, this always flucuates a couple pounds)
    I'm latina, so have a curvy build.

    I've recently been out of the gym for a couple months and just realized how much I've bulked up in my hips, so I'm here to moniter my macros and create a more athletic build!
  • smarty3
    smarty3 Posts: 11
    Hi! I'm Sierra.
    I started my weight loss about a month and a half ago and I believe I was around 160. Now I'm 146 and would like to be around 130-5 by the time i start school at the end of August! I want to be strong and healthy but don't really know much about nutrition/ lifting weights. Feel free to add me!