What are you guys doing?

navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
Hi! I am posting again! I am Jackie by the way! lol

Question. Is a mojority of your exercise weight training with little cardio? I do alot of cardio with about 30-55 min of weight training 3 days a week. I just want to see if more cardio still fits in with what I am trying to achieve doing EMTWL. Still only a week in, so not going to weigh myself till I have done this for 4 weeks. I don't want to freak out over fluctuations. I am more interested in losing inches anyway. Ready, set, go! :) Thanks in advance for the input!


  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I do zumba (1 hour class) 2-3 times a week. I do strength (again about an hour) 2-3 times a week.. usually not on the same days. I'm trying to cut back on my cardio, actually, but I'm addicted? lol

    I hear too much cardio is bad because it "stresses" the body, so chronically over-doing it may be harmful. That being said, it's still obviously important for cardiovascular health, and it can be fun (well, zumba is for me, people say they like running though I still don't get it :P). Cardio is more effective at burning calories so it can pull you into deeper deficits, which EM2WL obviously does not encourage.

    Bottom line- if you are eating enough to fuel your cardio, you should be fine. BUT you should consider skewing the ratio to be more strength based vs more cadio based, in my opinion :)
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    I love me some cardio! I do Insanity as well as Turbo fire with some bodypump thrown in. When I did Insanity alone, i didn't do weights because of all the pushups and squats! But since I added weights my legs look more awesome, just hard to give up backing off on my cardio lol Oh, and I usually run a few miles a week on top of that! :)