Fewer sugar cravings

guava6982 Posts: 26 Member
I have a problem with sugar. Even when I stay away from processed sugar for awhile, the desire for it never goes away. I think it's largely an emotional attachment. Baked goods, candy, etc. are my security blanket. I've chastised myself for years over it. How will I ever lose weight when I want to eat candy all the time? Why am I such a weak person? What's wrong with me? Well, since making the decision about a month ago to eat more calories, the cravings are so much less frequent and less intense. I can get through the work day without thinking about how much I want candy. There was free ice cream at work the other day, and I didn't even think about getting any. I am so focused on getting in enough healthy foods throughout the day that my mind is more occupied, and I am more physically satisfied. I never would have guessed that what I thought was a lack of willpower was maybe more about being hungry and feeling deprived. I suspect that it is largely psychological, and partly biological, but it is a very happy side effect that came with EMWL. I feel pretty confident that regardless of what the scale says, or how my clothes are fitting, I am healthier than I was before.


  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm awful with that kinda thing. I find it better to cut flour and sugar out completely, because on the days I do I feel great and don't miss it at all. It's when I START, even if it's one bite or one cookie or whatever, the rest of the day goes downhill.

    Not saying I never eat them... but I certainly TRY not to because I know I just can't handle the cravings it starts.
  • jesscod
    jesscod Posts: 98
    you are not weak - you may have a sugar addiction though. I would try to replace the behavior if you can....meaning find another activity or another food that has natural sugars. Other than this, I would say tell yourself to take it one day at a time - you may not win all your battles, but as long as you won the war that is all that matters.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I also found that once I increased my cals up and started eating more, the cravings for the high sugar "junk " has virtually gone away. I still have an occasional treat, but the craving, the NEED to have something RIGHT NOW has complete vanished. I certainly attribute it to eating more:) Congrats on knowing that is what has done it for you.

    Its ok to indulge once in a while, but the good thing is with higher cals, you CAN now have those treats ant not worry about it ruining your day because it put you over your 1200+ cal restrictions:) I had a mini blizzard last night. First time in two years (I think) that I had one.. and it was still within my target for the day, and still had a great day otherwise. I didnt at all feel guilty about it:)
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I was a sugar/carb junkie too, but yesterday I didn't plan well and didn't bring enough snacks to work with me. I found myself at the candy box looking at the nutrition info on all of the candy to see what was highest in protein. I chose a nut cluster and took a couple of bites. I was actually almost repulsed by the taste. So weird for me. It is sitting on my desk half eaten because I didn't want to waste my calories on junk. It's crazy how quickly our tastes can change. Now I'd rather have veggies and hummus or Greek yogurt.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Sugar is my weakness too....esp cookies, candy and cake. But since eating healthier and increasing my calories, I too am finding I crave it less.

    I took my kids out for ice cream yesterday on our bike ride home from school and I snacked on an apple and a string cheese while my kids enjoyed their ice cream. People were commenting on my "amazing willpower" but honestly, the ice cream just didn't appeal to me. Normally, it would have.

    I definitely enjoy a sweet treat every once in awhile but it's no longer a daily thing for me!!
  • kels136
    kels136 Posts: 55
    I'm awful with that kinda thing. I find it better to cut flour and sugar out completely, because on the days I do I feel great and don't miss it at all. It's when I START, even if it's one bite or one cookie or whatever, the rest of the day goes downhill.

    Not saying I never eat them... but I certainly TRY not to because I know I just can't handle the cravings it starts.

    I agree!! Once I start its like my body craves it all the more and then the day is a totally blow out. I'm on day 1 of EM2WL so I am hoping that my cravings will stop and hopefully I will be slim the healthy way and keep the weight of forever :)