Question for all the weight lifters

I am in the third and final month of the ChaLean Extreme program and I love this program. Where I feel I get hung up is that I push myself pretty hard so that I gain strength which makes me pretty sore every day now I am not so sore that I can't move around but the achiness (sp) is there. So this is my question I have been in this phase for a week and 1/2 and am still pretty sore should I give myself a little more rest? I am currently taking a day in between each lifting day and then taking two days off over the weekend I do my outside gardening and stuff like that so they are not complete rest days honestly no day is a complete rest day since I have house work and kids. :sad: I am worried about not giving my body enough time to repair itself in between lifting days. The day I lift is not bad and the day after not so bad but the soreness always seems to hit me the hardest the next morning so about 36hrs after my lifting session. Any advice would be appreciated.

Edited for bad grammar.


  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    personally, I've come to the conclusion that pushing yourself through a few weeks on a program is fine (incorporating rest days in of course), BUT I think that taking a week off every 4th week if you have been really working hard is a good way to get a good rest/repair session in before pushing ahead again. This is especially true if you are finding the soreness is not going away...

    I'm not an expert trainer or anything, but that's just what I've gleaned from research and personal experience.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Bumping for other opinions. :heart:
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I've done Chalean Extreme - Love it too! - I found that if I started to work out the day I was sore and the soreness didn't go away after stretching and a few of the lifts, I needed to take an extra day break and then come back to it.

    However, I did the lifting pretty much every other day and two days of the intervals CD in between with the weekends off and the soreness almost always went away once I got going.

    Listen to your body, you will know when you need a break. Also, if you have any other health issues take those into consideration as to the reason you may need to go a little slower during the get lean phase. Great job so far!!!
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I do have Inflammatory arthritis which is very similiar to rheumatoid arthritis the only difference is as of yet in the progression of the disease I do not have RA markers. So I fight fatigue and flares ups ( very painful days). This is why I worry about finding balance. I want to push myself but I don't want to push so hard that it puts me into a flare up.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I am not familiar with the ChaLean Program.. if the exercises are exactly the same after your 1 rest day your muscles may need a bit longer to rest.. the 2 day weekends that you take off.. Now with the week and a half part that you are in the current phase and you are sore.. are these muscles you used to work out previously? Or are they all new workouts that you haven't done in the past? If they are brand new to you, you will be sore because your muscles are not used to being worked in those areas.. and yes the soreness can come back every time you do the workout (for a certain time period) because your pushing them more and more each time (which is good)..
    The soreness will go away when your muscles are used to being worked out in that area.. now if you have worked those parts out previously (past 2 months working them as normal into your phase) then make sure you are not lifting too heavy and keeping your form good.. bad form can cause soreness because other parts of your body are helping you lift weight that maybe too heavy.. Any of this kinda sound right?
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368

    So I decided to listen to my body yesterday and take an extra non workout day. I am so glad I did I feel so much better today. Thank you all for your suggestions. It just goes to show that we need to try to be in tuned with our bodies and listen to them more.