Giving this a shot!

pbajwally Posts: 210 Member

New to this & I just wanted to give a brief intro... I started MFP back on March 19. I joined a gym and have been working out since April 16. Recently I started incorporating strength training... I feel GREAT but my calories were kind of all over the place, not to mention I was forgetting to eat things like BREAKFAST... or just drinking coffee... I got serious with my exercise but was failing more or less in my eating.

I keep hearing about BMR/TDEE and had one friend in particular who was following it. Long story short, I figured out my numbers (after about a zillion questions to her) - and started my NEW journey this past Tuesday... so far I feel awesome! The hardest part -- CRAZY -- eating enough!! Wait, lemme rephrase: eating enough of things that I should be eating! But I'm working on it - and I FEEL good. I feel much better than I was. I'm not as anxious to step on the scale just yet, only because I know it could show a gain - I rather opt for the measuring tape & checking my body fat %.

Anyway! Didn't mean to get all talky... excited to give this a shot and meet other people doing the same! :happy:
