
WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
Well I created it and now I have to run!!

I will be back later this afternoon but in the meantime please join in and have fun!


  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Lets do this ladies!

    SW: 166
    CW: 170
    GW: 150's or less - ideally I'd love to be in the 130's but I have to start with smaller goals.

    Here is a link to my album. You can see how far I've already come. I started getting in shape and losing weight in 2010. Its been a very slow process for me.




    Currently I'm doing a weight lifting split. Right now I'm on 4x a week but after next week I'll go back to 3 days for a few weeks. I'm also trying to run 2-3x a week for some cardio. I just started eating 1900 calories on the 17th so we'll see how goes. I don't eat back any of my exercise calories unless I go below my BMR. For more info on all of that you might want to look into the group - Eat More to Lose Weight. Its a great group of people who are really supportive.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Hi! What are the odds I would find this group as soon as it was created! I'm happy to be here and looking forward to this journey.

    I've never been athletic, never played sports, never "fit" but always thin - at 5'4" I graduated high school at 118 pounds. (Of course I thougth I was hugely fat, natrually) When I met my future husband 4 years later, I had gone up to 137 (probably all the beer and pizza and lack of sleep in the college years). In the 6 months of our engagement I gained another 13 pounds to an even 150 on our wedding day. That was 14 years ago this summer (we were babies when we married)! The last 14 years have brought two beautiful little girls and a lot of job stress and parenting stress (our oldest has combination ADHD/ODD/Anxiety issues, so the last 4 years have been pretty stressful. I feel my own ADHD coming out more and more in dealing with hers) and of couse, another 25 pounds.

    I still feel like "me" in my head - like the me of 22 or 23 years. Not the "me" who is staring back at myself in the mirror. Who is this chubby mom-looking woman with the slightly annoyed/exhausted expression? That's not how I look in my head! WTH?? So I'm hoping better eating and a lower weight will help bring her back out again.

    I'm doing Power 90 - my husband (who is 6'1" and 200lbs - barely a belly on his lanky frame) is doing it with me, every morning before the girls wake up. We're 5 days in so far. I've also changed my diet - very little processed foods (if any), mostly whole grains, veggies, fruits, lean proteins. We bought a rice cooker earlier in the week and that has been really helpful in keeping our healthier eating habits going. Tracking and accountability is keeping me focused too.

    So that's my story. I started at 176, currently 173, my goal is 135. Or more accurately, a size 6.

    Looking foward to making some new friends with some common goals! :smile:

    ~ Karen
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    silly question...for groups no one can see our posts but the people IN the group right?
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    Ladies, how do I post pics? Thanks in advance :)
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    silly question...for groups no one can see our posts but the people IN the group right?

    I'm not sure but I would think that would be correct.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I usually delete the post that shows up on my wall that reads "Southpaw211 replied to topic blah, blah, blah", mostly because I'm anal about other people reading my posts. I'm not really sure how it works if you're in a group and not just posting on a message board though. (And yet I spy the hell out of people on Facebook - there's a hypocrite for you, ha ha!)
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    nice job aj!
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    I usually delete the post that shows up on my wall that reads "Southpaw211 replied to topic blah, blah, blah", mostly because I'm anal about other people reading my posts. I'm not really sure how it works if you're in a group and not just posting on a message board though. (And yet I spy the hell out of people on Facebook - there's a hypocrite for you, ha ha!)

    thats funny :)
  • deannalynne73
    deannalynne73 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! What are the odds I would find this group as soon as it was created! I'm happy to be here and looking forward to this journey.

    I've never been athletic, never played sports, never "fit" but always thin - at 5'4" I graduated high school at 118 pounds. (Of course I thougth I was hugely fat, natrually) When I met my future husband 4 years later, I had gone up to 137 (probably all the beer and pizza and lack of sleep in the college years). In the 6 months of our engagement I gained another 13 pounds to an even 150 on our wedding day. That was 14 years ago this summer (we were babies when we married)! The last 14 years have brought two beautiful little girls and a lot of job stress and parenting stress (our oldest has combination ADHD/ODD/Anxiety issues, so the last 4 years have been pretty stressful. I feel my own ADHD coming out more and more in dealing with hers) and of couse, another 25 pounds.

    I still feel like "me" in my head - like the me of 22 or 23 years. Not the "me" who is staring back at myself in the mirror. Who is this chubby mom-looking woman with the slightly annoyed/exhausted expression? That's not how I look in my head! WTH?? So I'm hoping better eating and a lower weight will help bring her back out again.

    I'm doing Power 90 - my husband (who is 6'1" and 200lbs - barely a belly on his lanky frame) is doing it with me, every morning before the girls wake up. We're 5 days in so far. I've also changed my diet - very little processed foods (if any), mostly whole grains, veggies, fruits, lean proteins. We bought a rice cooker earlier in the week and that has been really helpful in keeping our healthier eating habits going. Tracking and accountability is keeping me focused too.

    So that's my story. I started at 176, currently 173, my goal is 135. Or more accurately, a size 6.

    Looking foward to making some new friends with some common goals! :smile:

    ~ Karen

    Wow!! You sound like me describing myself pretty much! I don't even need to tell about myself, really! lol However I gave up on Power 90. But I have recently joined a gym and am trying to get into a routine of going.

    I am currently 176 and my goal is 135 :) Oh and I also recently bought a rice cooker (another similarity, lol) but I haven't really been using it. I think I will start, now that I am trying to eat healthier :)
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member

    Wow!! You sound like me describing myself pretty much! I don't even need to tell about myself, really! lol However I gave up on Power 90. But I have recently joined a gym and am trying to get into a routine of going.

    I am currently 176 and my goal is 135 :) Oh and I also recently bought a rice cooker (another similarity, lol) but I haven't really been using it. I think I will start, now that I am trying to eat healthier :)

    Ha! That is really funny!! Now tell me that you're a geek boy stuck in a working mom's body and I'll know we're soulmates. Star Wars, Video Games (rpg's mostly), anime, comics - pretty much anything geeky is right up my alley. That's where I usually lose people - even my own friends, ha ha!

    PS - The rice cooker is the bees knees. I've used it to make brown rice (so much nicer than that wet mushy stuff on my stovetop) and steel cut oats so far. I meant to make quinoa last night but forgot to pick it up at the store, so it was brown rice mixed with my summer veggies. Turned out just fine though.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    nice job aj!

    Thanks so much!
  • April1201
    April1201 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, we're similar in a lot of ways! I'm 5'3", graduated at 116 lbs, and thought I was huge! Now that I'm 182 lbs, I think back to my old self and think darn it!! I should have enjoyed it back then! I got married young too, and the husband and I both let ourselves go a little. We're both working at getting more in shape, but our big issue is staying motivated. I have OCD/anxiety problems, and so much job stress o.o It's hard to devote my attention so many places at once, so I always let myself go first. Not anymore! Before I even logged on here I started up my own personal June Challenge journal, so it's such a nice coincidence that I found this one! I'm 182 lbs right now, but I'm close enough to join this group :)

    What is Power 90? I bought P90x, but I'm much too out of shape for that right now!!

    My goals are to be a size 6 again, and more importantly to feel better about the way I look and to buy clothes because they're my style, not because they hide the fat. Oh! And I'm a south paw too :) Looking forward to making some progress with everyone! :D
  • sawellscmc
    I weigh 173, started at 198, goal is 130's. I am 55 years old and am involved in boot camp 3 days a week, for an hour. There are at least 80 people in the group, we meet at 5:45 am to run 1/2 mile and do burpees, jumping jacks, jump rope, push ups etc. I am working harder than ever. I keep a food diary, and "Eat Clean" as much as possible. But am frustrated at current weight loss.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I was motivated to get up and work out this morning, not so much motivated to do work now. Not with it being Friday and having an empty office around me!

    I thought P90X was too intense for me too - more focused on toning and sculpting. Power 90 is sort of the baby sister to P90X. More for losing the weight and building your endurance so you can take on the X I think. Plus, it's cheaper. From what I've read, women have more success if they do it as 120 days (something about hormones and hitting their stride after the first 30 days). I don't care about washboard abs necessarily, and I'm not going to run a marathon, so I'm probably not going to go to P90X. Maybe Turbofire or Insanity though, depending on how things go. I really like the Beachbody community, too. They're incredibly supportive and knowledgeable over there.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Hey ladies, I'm Dianne. I'm 5'6 currently at 155. I started at 174 in January and just got "super serious" 5.21.12. I've always been a "thick" girl, average looking, but one hell of a potbelly and lovehandles. I was the "pudgy girl" out of my circle of friends from grade school to high school, my so called "friends" were rotten and cruel to me so I did have a bit of a complex, but I'm over it now. I have lost 19 pounds since January but still carry around my trademark "potbelly and lovehandles", stubborn 'lil *kitten*. I joined my local gym and am working with two coaches doing total body circuit training 3 days a week, 60 minute sessions. On my days off from the gym I run outside or on the elliptical according to the weather. I love that this group was created and look forward to making some amazing new friends. My goal would be to have a flat, toned, muscular body. Not manly, just defined. I don't care what I weigh in the end. Nice to meet all of you! - Dianne.
  • hduston
    hduston Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, all! :glasses: I posted my current pic for June below. Here are my stats:

    Age: 42 (turn 43 on 6/20)
    Height: 5'6"
    CW: 162.5
    GW: 145
    June Goal: 160; exercise 5x/week

  • Fani2003
    Fani2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hey there!

    I am excited to join!

    Age: 36 (yesterday was my birthday!)
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 178.8
    GW: 139
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi everyone! Not quite the same starting stat, but I think my end goal is pretty much the same. Would love to join with you guys. My progress has slowed WAY down. My current goal is to lose 5 pounds in June. Baby steps, I suppose. I'll post a picture soon.

    Height: 5' 2"

    SW: 202
    CW: 150
    GW: 136
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    (edit: I meant Lisseth, not AJ)
    Lisseth , I think people CAN read posts without being in the group. I've read posts in groups that I didn't join to see if I was interested.

    I'm 55, like some other posted, I was also thin in childhood through early 20's and gradually put on weight over the years. It's nice to see so many others that I can identify with on MFP. Thanks, WarmDon'tBurn for making the group!

    SW 169
    GW, ~135 or whatever seems right when I get there.
    CW 160, currently in a plateau :(

    I had my metabolic rate measured and it's very low (RMR=1007). I'm doing interval cardio and strength training with a trainer (for a couple of months anyway) to try and get that rate up. In only 3 weeks I can already tell a difference in the cardio conditioning. My main goals are to reduce body fat % and try to get my BP down and get off BP meds.
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    Hey there!

    I am excited to join!

    Age: 36 (yesterday was my birthday!)
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 178.8
    GW: 139

    Happy Birthday!