new to group and eating more HELP!!!

loveflowers4 Posts: 21 Member
I'm new to all of this and I'm confused on how to move forward. I have been stuck at my current weight for almost 1 yr now. ( I think I have tried everything so far) I would really like to lose the last 10-15lbs this year. ( Heck I would be excited for a 5lb loss)

I have no clue on how to set my calorie goals. I've been eating ( around 1200) for the most part and that hasn't really done much for me. I tried a refeed in Feb. ( and gained 5 lbs which stuck) :( . I've done zig-zag, low cal, gluten free, adkins, spike days, I even tried vegetarian for awhile. Yep ~ I'm desperate!!!!! So this is basically my last resort.

My background:

I'm a mom of 4 ( my youngest just turned 2) I'm 37 yrs old and 5ft even. I currently weigh 138 ( my lowest was 133 before the refeed) I do walk daily 40-50 mins. in addition to chasing littleones around. If anyone could please take the time to help me, I would be so grateful!!

P.S. I'm going to have surgery on the 13th of June so I won't be as active :(


  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    From your stats I went to this calculator: (which is recommended here)

    TDEE: 2103 - moderately active
    BMR: 1357

    1200 calories is not enough for your body to function properly and it is hanging on to every little bit you give it because it is trying to survive. I highly recommend you up your calories to 2100 and do a metabolism reset since you have been eating below your bmr for so long.

    Your BMR is the amount your body would need if you laid in a bed in a coma all day. When you eat below that, your body will do all it can to survive. Often times called "starvation mode".

    I suggest reading through all the stickies on the main page of the group. Basically, a metabolism reset is eating at maintenance for 4-8 weeks to get your metabolism fixed from the damage of eating too low. Once you have done that, then cut 15% to 1785 and you should start losing.

    Yes, it is a ton of food and you will go through some uncomfortableness at first, but then the energy will go through the roof and you will feel so much better. Again, be sure to ready the stickies, especially the one about what to expect when you up your calories.

  • loveflowers4
    loveflowers4 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for your response. I'm going to try the reset :)
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    ive recently just upped my calories too :)
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I'm new to all of this and I'm confused on how to move forward. I have been stuck at my current weight for almost 1 yr now. ( I think I have tried everything so far) I would really like to lose the last 10-15lbs this year. ( Heck I would be excited for a 5lb loss)

    I have no clue on how to set my calorie goals. I've been eating ( around 1200) for the most part and that hasn't really done much for me. I tried a refeed in Feb. ( and gained 5 lbs which stuck) :( . I've done zig-zag, low cal, gluten free, adkins, spike days, I even tried vegetarian for awhile. Yep ~ I'm desperate!!!!! So this is basically my last resort.

    My background:

    I'm a mom of 4 ( my youngest just turned 2) I'm 37 yrs old and 5ft even. I currently weigh 138 ( my lowest was 133 before the refeed) I do walk daily 40-50 mins. in addition to chasing littleones around. If anyone could please take the time to help me, I would be so grateful!!

    P.S. I'm going to have surgery on the 13th of June so I won't be as active :(

    Hello and welcome! First of all I want to say you are going to be so grateful for joining this journey but it can be a little tough in the beginning.
    1. Put away your scale for 6 weeks.
    2. It seems you are pretty inconsistent with your diet. This isn't about perfection, but I would recommend saving the zigzagging guys another time. Right now you have to teach your body that it can trust you again. It takes at least six weeks of consistency to see the scale turn around.
    3. Figure out your calories using the scooby calculator (see stickies) and stick with it. I understand how mentality challenging this road is, use the boards for support when you need it! Were all in this together!
    4. Figure out another means of measuring progress because the scale can be such a liar. Measuring tape, body fat, progress pics, clothes are great. The scale doesnt tell the whole story.
    5. How long is your recovery from Surgery? Can you do any activity (light walking/yoga)? You may want to consider eating at maintenance then, I would think that would aid in your recovery.
    6. Are you eating mostly clean foods? It makes a huge difference!
  • loveflowers4
    loveflowers4 Posts: 21 Member
    momofmyfiveki :

    Thank you , I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I just hope I'm making the right decision by making this change right before my surgery. My recovery is going to be at least 6 wks. I will be able to walk ( it WILL be a must for me/ I have a serious clotting disorder) so I will be walking ( slow but walking -lol)

    I do try to eat clean most of the time, I think my struggle comes with the amount of food ( not enough) . So my goal is to work on that.

    I agree, the hardest part will be the mental part( for me) since I have been trained to believe starving is the way to lose weight. I'm at the point in my life that I want to be fit and healthy and to finally to start to love the body I was given and treat it with respect !! thank you so much for your support and I'm ready to make a change for the better. Thanks again and good luck on your journey....
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Hi we are very similar not only in stats but also our crazy lifes. I am 5 foot 2 and weight about 131 I would like to lose about 10lbs but have noticed that the more weight training I do and the better I eat the less the pounds matter because I am losing inches. It is scary and you might gain some weight at first but the key is stay consistent with your calorie goal and to try to reach your macros as close as possible. If you don't mind I will friend you.